The Fall of the Betrayer

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Using the magical Shadowkeys that he had taken from the demon hunter Theras inside the dungeon fortress, Mephistroth was easily able to open the gates for the throne chamber of the Black Citadel. Within the inner sanctum stands the now lone demon hunter Illidan Stormrage, who is all but ready to fight despite all odds now completely against him. With no more naga warriors to command, or allied forces to rely on; Illidan stands as the only one left in the Black Citadel against the forces of the Legion. The dark curse of Frostmourne in Illidan from his fight against Arthas had continuously affected him throughout the war on Outland, and has severely deteriorated his strength and powers. Realizing the grave condition of Illidan, Mephistroth assures that he could defeat the demon hunter by his own. Within their final confrontation at the throne chamber, Mephistroth speaks with Illidan.

Mephistroth: "So, it has finally come to this, with you alone waiting for your inevitable downfall!"

Illidan: "We will end this now, dreadlord! Just you and me! I'll make sure you die a painful death!"

Mephistroth: "Even with your deteriorating condition from that curse in your body, you still remain arrogant! I will make things easy for you, demon hunter. I will end that curse along with your life!"

Illidan: "Pathetic demon! If I am to fall here, then so be it; but I shall be taking you down with me! I easily vanquished the greatest amongst your foul kind, your very own brother, Tichondrius! You should be of no problem! Like your vile brother, you shall join the list of the demons I have slain!"

Mephistroth: "Is that so? Well despite your vainglorious conceit; you were all but beaten by a mere human boy. Let me now show you the true powers of a Nathrezim! I shall finally avenge the death of Tichondrius, when I put an end to your wretched existence for the glory of the Burning Legion!"

Illidan: "Very well! We shall see then, dreadlord! Ash Karath! None may challenge me! Die, fool!"

Illidan and Mephistroth began to clash against one another upon a vicious one-on-one battle. With Illidan striking with his warblades, and Mephistroth attacking by his deadly claws; the two fighters are battling each other on a fierce contest of physical strength and combat skills. The dark curse of the Frostmourne inside Illidan has not only weakened him, but also caused him in becoming slower in battle. The dark curse have severely deteriorated the strength and powers of Illidan, with every crippling seizure that he felt worsening his condition. However, Illidan somehow remains to be a tough and dangerous warrior, despite his present dire state. In the midst of their fierce one-on-one fight, Mephistroth begins to focus his magical energies and use his own dark spells against Illidan.

Mephistroth casts his powerful spell of Carrion Swarm upon Illidan, blasting off a harmful shadow wave of magical swarms of bats and insects on the demon hunter. In his retaliation, Illidan answers back with a bolt of his Mana Burn to Mephistroth. The demon hunter also engulfs himself in flames upon casting his Immolation spell. Illidan and Mephistroth continue clashing against each other in both physical attacks and magical spells. Mephistroth finally uses his most powerful spell of which he calls for several infernals from the nether in a form of huge fiery rocks streaking down from the sky. Mephistroth is known as one of the most powerful dreadlords; ranking to be the third, next to his own deceased brothers, Tichondrius and Anetheron. Like his brothers before him; Mephistroth could call upon multiple infernals at once, with himself being able to summon at the most of three.

Witnessing Mephistroth summon three infernals to his side; Illidan also uses his own ultimate spell of Metamorphosis, which transforms him into a huge dark fiery demon imbued with chaotic power. The dreadlord commands his infernals to help him defeat the demon hunter. Even in his full power, Illidan is being dominated by Mephistroth and his infernal minions. The dark curse of Frostmourne has severely weakened the strength and powers of Illidan, even in his metamorphosed demon form. Illidan is doing his best to fight, despite being overwhelmed. After a time of intense battling; Illidan eventually becomes very weak and heavily wounded as he now stands merely defenseless. At this time, Mephistroth prepares himself on finishing the battle by ending Illidan with his one last attack.

Mephistroth: "Glory to the Legion! For the Nathrezim! This war is now over! Time to die, Illidan!"

The battle is almost over, and defeat is upon Illidan. The nearly dying demon hunter falls down to his own knees and is unable to fight anymore. Mephistroth delivers a last killing strike upon Illidan; impaling his own claws onto the chest of the demon hunter at the exact spot on his scar of the slash of Frostmourne and then piercing it all the way through his back. The life of Illidan has now ended. Standing triumphant; Mephistroth has successfully defeated Illidan. Just like what he did to Theras, Mephistroth casts a fire spell to burn the dead body of Illidan into mere ashes, and as trophy to his victory, the dreadlord claim the warblades of Illidan for his own. The war on Outland has come to an end, with the forces of the Burning Legion victorious. The Pit Lord Azgoth is now proclaim as the new ruler for Outland. The Burning Legion have successfully reclaimed Outland from Illidan.

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