The Borders of the Swamps

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Early in the next morning, Azgoth and Kargath arrive in the outskirts of Zangarmarsh, where Teron previously lead his troops to destroy the naga outposts. However, upon arriving to the region, they soon discovered that the naga forces from Zangarmarsh have reclaimed the area. The camps of the demons and fel orcs that were commanded by the death knight have been destroyed, and two new naga outposts stand within the area that safeguard the pass that leads to the swamplands. The forces of the Legion ready themselves to attack one of the naga camps to gain the much needed resources.

Kargath: "It would seem that the naga have performed their own counterattack against the warriors that were led by Gorefiend before. They even managed to take down Mor'ghor. The serpents from this region are stronger and more ferocious than I thought. It must be because of the fountain pool."

Azgoth: "Well, this may prove to be a worthy challenge after all. I think I am going to enjoy facing these creatures. I shall relish this chance of fighting against such bloodthirsty and fearless beings."

Moving against the first new naga outpost, Azgoth and Kargath quickly lead their warriors upon a fierce assault against the naga forces. The demon and fel orcs clash against the naga warriors on a vicious heavy war battle. The naga warriors are putting up a tough resistance, and their base is well defended. However, with the combined strength and powers of Kargath and the monstrous Azgoth, the forces of the Legion have the upper hand. The demons and fel orcs eventually conquer the naga base, successfully claiming take the victory while losing a moderate amount of warriors. Using the goldmine, Kargath sends his peons to establish their new camp over the ruins of the naga outpost.

Azgoth: "These serpents are quite strong and savage creatures! Battling them is surely amusing!"

Kargath: "There is another naga encampment within this area, and it protects the pass that leads to Zangarmarsh. Once we destroy that camp, we can finally make our way to swamps and invade the capital of the serpents. Do expect to face a lot more of these creatures with much tougher defenses."

Azgoth: "By all means, destroying them is the only option to win, and I am looking forward to it!"

Upon the completion of the new base, Azgoth and Kargath assemble a full army of demon and fel orc warriors, consisting of overlords, fel ravagers, voidwalkers, eredar warlocks, fel orc grunts and raiders. Wasting no time, Azgoth and Kargath lead their newly mustered army to move against the last naga outpost within the region that guards the pass into Zangarmarsh. Heading further towards the northwestern route, the forces of the Legion eventually reach the final naga camp. A vast group of naga warriors protect the camp, consisting of mur'gul tyrants, snap dragons, dragon turtles, naga myrmidons, naga sirens, and the flying serpentine beasts called as couatls. The second naga outpost is also larger and more fortified than the previous naga base as it is built with heavy tower defenses.

Azgoth: "Onward, my warriors! Let us crush all our enemies for the glory of the Burning Legion!"

Azgoth and Kargath quickly lead their warriors to unleash a full force attack upon the naga outpost. A fierce war battle occur as the forces of the Legion clash against the naga forces. The defenses of the naga outpost are quite strong and deadly, and the naga warriors are putting up strong resistance. However, with the larger numbers of the demons and fel orcs as well as the combined strength and powers of Azgoth and Kargath guiding their army, the forces of the Legion still have the advantage, and are slowly able to break through the defenses of the naga. After a while of intense battling, the forces of the Legion eventually claim the victory by defeating the naga and razing their outpost to the ground. Despite losing considerable numbers of warriors in the battlefield, Azgoth and Kargath successfully conquered their foes, and secured the pass leading to the swamplands of Zangarmarsh. Standing victorious over the naga ruins, Azgoth and Kargath prepare themselves for the next move.

Kargath: "Victory is ours! Finally, the path to Zangarmarsh is wide open, and there is nothing that can prevent us from straightly marching towards those swamps and invading the naga stronghold!"

Azgoth: "Facing the naga certainly gives me satisfaction, and I hunger for more. The true challenge yet lies ahead of us. I cannot wait to conquer their main stronghold, and claim their mystical pool!"

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now