A Reconquered Citadel

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Azgoth, Mephistroth, and Kargath send the strongest set of only the demon warriors, which consist of overlords, fel ravagers, eredar warlocks, doom guards, voidwalkers, and infernals to assault the last naga base of Lady Vashj. Despite being the only remaining encampment in the Black Citadel, the last naga camp is built with quite heavily fortified defenses. Located at the innermost chambers of the citadel, the last naga base directly guards the inner sanctum of Illidan. Showing no signs of fear against the demons; Lady Vashj leads all her standing warriors to fight the demon invaders in defense of the inner sanctum. Akama and his elite draenei warriors waste no time as they aid Lady Vashj and her naga in battling the demons. A fierce war battle once again occurs, as the last of the naga and draenei defenders makes their final stand against the vast demonic armies of the Legion.

The naga and draenei forces led by Lady Vashj and Akama use all what is left of their strength and powers to fight against the demons. Despite all odds against them; the naga and draenei forces are putting up a good resistance, as they are able to take down many demons in the defense of the naga base. With the combined might of the naga and draenei forces led by Lady Vashj and Akama; they are able to slay a number of demon warriors in the battlefield. However, with the huge numbers of the demons pressing down their relentless heavy assaults; the forces of the Legion eventually gain the overall advantage as they push through the defenses of the naga base. As before in the previous war battles; the number advantage of the forces of the Legion give them the upper hand in the war.

The war battle at the innermost chamber of the Black Citadel has lasted for more than a whole day, with the combined forces of the naga and draenei barely holding up against the vast demons of the Burning Legion. Despite being able to take out a considerable number of demons, and lasting more than enough time for Illidan to usher everyone in the Alliance forces through his portal in the inner sanctum; the defenses of the last naga camp were eventually swamped by the forces of the Legion. Akama, have finally met his end at the hands of Kargath Bladefist at the last stage of the war battle, with the rest of his draenei followers slain before him by the other demon warriors in the battlefield.

Kargath: "Pitiful old draenei! Now you will be reunited with the rest of slaughtered frail brethren!"

With Lady Vashj now left only with few naga warriors within her nearly shattered base, it did not take long before the forces of the Legion have completely overrun the entire naga camp. All of the naga warriors have been slain, with Lady Vashj eventually meeting her end by the hands of Azgoth. With Lady Vashj and her remaining naga now dead, the entire naga armies of Illidan have all been utterly destroyed. All of the naga warriors commanded by Illidan have been completely wiped out.

Azgoth: "At last, our victory is nearly complete! The Black Citadel shall soon be mine to rule!"

Mephistroth: "Finally! There is only one last thing to finish, Azgoth! Leave Stormrage to me!"

Azgoth: "Very well, Mephistroth. It shall be all yours. Feel free to deal with Illidan on your own."

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now