On Set (Aidan)

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<<YOUR penis>>
We had almost finished filming The Umbrella Academy, I was casted as Five's love interest. In the storyline we met at the coffee shop, both ordering a black coffee. Five then trusted my character and
told me how he had plans to stop the apocalypse and save the world.
I was in my trailer, reading over the script of the scene we had to film in an hour.
Five confessed his love to me in this scene and kissed me, then we teleported away.
I was really nervous to kiss Aidan, I haven't had my first kiss yet and I've started to develop a small crush on him. Well it's not really a small crush, I really really like him.
I hear a knock on my trailer door, it couldn't be the film crew, we had to film in an hour.

"Come in", I say, closing the script and setting it down on the table.

The door opens and Aidan enters my trailer, holding his script.

"Hey uhh..do you maybe wanna practise our lines?" He nervously asks me.

"Yeah sure", I smile and open the script.

We practise the ending scene, I see the next scene is where he confesses his love to my character and kisses her.

"<character name>...", Aidan says, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Yes five?" I ask, scared.

"If we don't make it out alive...I just want you to know I love you so much, you mean the world to me and I hope we get out of this alive", Aidan says, approaching me and holding my hands like the script says.

"I-I...I love you too Five", I smile.

Aidan starts to lean in. Oh shit we're doing the kiss too? I've never kissed anyone how do I kiss someone. Before I could say anything I feel Aidan's soft lips on mine and his hands on my cheeks.
I melt into the kiss and kiss back, as the lines say. He pulls away and we say the rest of the lines for the scene.
I'm still shocked from kissing Aidan, I didn't think we were actually going to do THAT scene.

"That was my first kiss...", I blush.

"Oh, sorry", Aidan apologises.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask.

"Cause you had your first kiss with me, it was going to be with me anyways but, I don't know", he shrugs.

"It's okay I uh I liked the kiss, it was great", I awkwardly smile, blushing even more.

We hear a knock on the trailer door again, I check the time, it should be the filming crew.

"We're gonna be filming the final scene now, change into your costumes and go do your hair and makeup", I hear someone says from outside.

"Thanks for practising with me", Aidan smiles.

"No problem", I say.

Aidan nods and walks out of my trailer, going to his.
I cant believe I just had my first kiss, and it wasn't even on set!
I quickly change into my outfit and walk over to the hair and makeup place.
They quickly fix up my hair and add a bit of blush on my cheeks.
I head over to the filming area and we begin filming our scene.

"Uh...guys?" Klaus asks, pointing towards the ceiling.

"You see that big moon rock coming towards us?" He asks as we all look up in the direction he's pointing at.

"That's not good...", Luther says, walking a bit forward.

"So this is it huh? So much for saving the world", Klaus sighs and grabs onto the dog tags around his neck.

"If only Sir Reginald could see us now huh?" Diego bitterly says, "The Umbrella Academy, a total failure".

"At least we're together at the end, as a family", Luther sighs.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now