What they do for your birthday🌚

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sorry i've been dead oops
i've been super busy but it's finally school holidays!
comment preference requests please!

-he spoils you so much
-he asks you a week in advance what you want
-you want a low key party so only him and some of your family come
-he stays the night and you two stay up all night playing games

-he invites you over for the day
-the siblings each got you a gift
-his parents are so extra they literally make you a triple decker cake-
-their dog ate it before any of you could even touch it
-you leave with more presents than you can carry

-he got you one thing that was small but very meaningful
-his siblings wish you a happy birthday too
-klaus is the only one that's SUPER excited for your bday
-you mostly hang out with klaus until five gets jealous

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