Different Part 3

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<<your pov>>
(in this story five doesn't try stop the apocalypse, you'll see what happens)
The door opens to reveal someone I never thought i'd see again...


he snaps his purple fingers and i disappear into dust


The door opens to reveal someone i never thought i'd see again...Five.

"Five?" I choke out.

"Y/N", he hugs me tightly, he hasn't aged either?

"Y-You're still young?" I question him.

"Yeah...Dolores said I got the equations wrong", he pulled away from the hug.

"Wh-Whose Dolores?" I ask.

"Oh uh-no one", Five blushes and looks away.

"She was someone who reminded me of you...well you've grown a bit of hair back but she's bald like your, past self", Five explains.

"Can I meet her?" I ask.

"We have to go to the uh...clothes store", Five looks away, embarrassed.

"Okay? Let's go", I get up and shakily walk towards the door, since I haven't walked around properly in 45 years...

Five holds me up for support until I can walk without shaking again, Five teleports me to a taxi, the taxi driver freaks out but Five tells him to keep driving.

We eventually arrive at the clothing store, i'm so nervous to find out who Dolores is...

"Here she is", Five points to a mannequin that was wearing sequins.

"What?" I ask, very very confused.

"She was the only thing I found in the apocalypse...everyone else was dead", he sighs.

"What apocalypse?" I ask.

"The world ends in 7 days Y/N, and I have no idea how to stop it", he tells me.

I stare at him in shock, I have no idea what to say.

"Can we talk somewhere a bit more private? I don't want anyone else to hear", he asks.

I nod my head and he teleports us into his room in the house.

"There was nothing Y/N, the whole house was destroyed, everyone was dead...I saw your dead body in that stupid metal box, I tried to go back but it didn't work", he explains.

"How did you get back?" I ask.

"That's too complicated to explain", he walks towards his dresser and looks through his uniform.

"Five we can't just stand around here and act like nothing is gonna happen! We have to tell people, they ne", Five cuts me off before I could finish my sentence.

"And do you THINK they'd believe us Y/N? To them we look like two thirteen year olds, no one is gonna believe us", he states a bit angrily, and closes his dresser door.

I sit speechless again, not sure what to say...what he's saying is true.

"I found this, it was in Luther's dead hand", Five takes an eyeball out of his coat pocket (where i kept my rebel red) and shows me it.

"We can go to <wherever the hell they make glass eyes> and get the serial number! That eye must be whoever called the apocalypse", I state.

"Let's go", Five grabs my hand and teleports us outside of the building.

"Wait out here", he tells me.

I lean against the building, and fiddle with my uniform, waiting for Five to return.

"What happened?" I ask him.

He doesn't respond and angrily looks around, shoving the eye back into his coat pocket.

I grab his hand and use my power to read his mind.
The plan didn't work...

"I give up Y/N, lets just live our remaining 7 days together, we can do whatever we want, travel wherever we want", Five gently grabs my shoulders.

"We need to tell the others", I look down and say.

"They won't belie-", this time I cut off Five.

"We need to tell the others", I sternly tell him and look up at him.

"Fine...", he teleports us inside the living room, where everyone was already doing their own thing.

"Guys...Five has something to say", I whisper, still a bit scared of the other academy members that hate me.

"Good thing Five's saying it, i'd never listen to you", Diego says and watches Five, waiting for him to speak.

"When I time travelled...I went too far and got stuck in the apocalypse, the world ends in 7 days, and i have no idea how to stop it", he seriously tells the others.

It's silent for a few seconds until everyone bursts out into laughter.

"Where are the signs? There are none", Allison says through laughter.

"Why don't you guys beli-", I start but get interrupted.

"Shut up or we'll throw you into that metal box again", Diego angrily points at me.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Five yells.

"What are you gonna do? You forgot how small you are?" Diego intimidatingly walks up to Five.

"Five lets just go", I say.

"Yeah go back to the ~apocalypse~ oooh so scaryyyy", Allison teases.

Five glares at everyone and teleports away, I guess we never will stop the apocalypse...
At least i'm with Five.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now