Apocalypse Part 2 (Number Five)

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I wake up and the sunlight hurts my eyes, I cover my face and look to my side, hoping to see Dolores. She's not there.
I quickly jump up and frantically look around, messing up the shelter. I didn't realise Y/N was gone until I went to check her bed. Did she hurt Dolores???

I look outside and see a line dug into the dirt, it looks like a stick or something made the line. I follow the line, it goes for a while. In the distance I see a pile of sticks with some melted stuff on it, and a sleeping Y/N next to it. I ignore Y/N and look at the sticks, I see Dolores' nose. Y/N burnt her?!
"Y/N!" I yell and shake her.

I wake up to see Five above me, shaking me.
"What?" I ask.



Five screams into his hands and storms off, running back towards our shelter. Guilt instantly fills me, I can't go after him...
I decide to try find my way back to the clothes shop, to find another Dolores. I head off in a random direction, my surroundings start to look familiar and I realise i'm near the shop. I try to search for another mannequin, but can't find one. I decide to look through more and more shops. I go down the broken, slightly burning alleyways, only to realise there's no more shops, and i'm lost. Panic starts to fill my veins, I don't know my way back.

"FIVE!" I yell out.

No response.

"FIVE! PLEASE!" I begin to cry.

This must be how Five felt when he first time traveled here....

"FIVE! ANYONE!" I yell louder.

I continue to yell until my throat hurts, I lay against a alley wall and bury my head in my knees, crying. I should never have burnt Dolores. I cant believe I got jealous over a MANNEQUIN!
Time passes by, it feels like hours. I realise that sitting here, crying, won't do me any good. I begin to wander around, desperately trying to find my way back, but nothing.
I go into a store, the roof is still on somehow.
"STUPID DOLORES!" I yell and kick the wall.
I hear cracking and look up, before I could move away I feel something very heavy fall on me. The roof.
I groan, my head isn't under the roof but the whole of my body is, besides a bit of my neck.

"FIVE!" I yell, I can't get up out of this.

I'm still stuck under this roof. I'm so hungry, and so tired. I've tried trying to bite the roof off of me but nothing works, i'm stuck under here forever. Until I die.

"FIVE!" I yell very loudly, I hear my echo, but still no reply, no Five.

My throats gotten so sore from yelling, and getting no water.
My stomach rumbles loudly.

"FIVEEEE!" I yell.

"Y/N?" I hear a yell in the distance.

"FIVE! FIVE!" I yell loudly and begin to squirm underneath the roof.

"Y/N!" Five yells, running inside the building and seeing me trapped under the roof.

He tries to push it off me, but it's way too heavy.

"Five i'm stuck!" I cry.

"How the hell did you get so far?! I've been looking for you for a day!" He yells sadly.

"I wanted to find another mannequin for you, and I got lost...so I got angry and kicked a wall and the roof fell on me!" I sob.

"Don't worry I- I'll find something to break the roof apart", Five says and then runs off.

"DONT LEAVE!" I yell.

A few minutes pass by and Five comes back inside, holding a large stick that's very sharp at the end. (His penis)

"I hope I don't hit your body", he says and then lifts the stick up, hitting it down onto the roof. He didn't hit my body but he did crack a bit of the roof.

"YES!" He smiles and jumps on the cracked bit of roof, it pops off.

My right foot is free! I move it around, to get the circulation back.
Five does the same to my left foot. He then hits the stick on the roof and more of the roof comes off, finally the bottom half of my body is free!

"Okay you're gonna push it up on 3", Five says.

"I-I can't!" I cry.

"YES YOU CAN!" He says loudly, but not to scare me.

"1...2...3!" Five yells out.

I push the roof up with all my strength, Five pulls and it slightly hovers off my body.

"Go!" Five grunts and I roll out from under the roof, he drops it and huffs.
I look at my arm to see it twisted in a disgusting way. I gag and try to snap it back into place.

"Y/N you're okay!" Five hugs me tightly, but not tight enough to hurt me.

I hug him back, and we begin to walk back to the shelter. Five patches up my cuts and helps my arm, thankfully it wasn't broken.
We sit on his mattress silently.

"Y/N", Five says quickly, breaking the silence.

"Yeah Five?" I turn to him.

He grabs the side of my face and pulls my face towards his, his chapped lips push onto my chapped lips passionately.
He quickly pulls away and looks into my eyes.
I smile and kiss him, he kisses me back.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" Five asks.

"Of course Five", I smile and kiss his cheek.

ooh first five imagine YEET
pls do requests!

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now