Comments (Aidan)

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(warning! depression and suicide)
(btw y'all are like 19 in this) (i'll put⚠️at the triggering parts so you can still read the rest of the story)
I had just finished watching Aidan's new video, 'What I did since shooting Umbrella Academy'. I scroll down a bit and see some of his old qna videos, I really miss those.
I go back onto the video I just finished watching and I scroll down to the comment section.
I comment 'Hey Aidan you should do another qna, like the old ones. I have a question: how do you deal with stress?' I post the comment and within several minutes my comment gets tonnes of likes. I also get a few replies saying that people love my singing. I have about 300k subscribers, I cover songs from bands like My Chemical Romance and In This Moment.
I refresh my feed again and see a reply to my comment, from Aidan!
My heart beats fast as I scan over the words
'Hey! That sounds like a really good idea, send me your instagram, by the way I love your singing'.
Holy crap I cant believe Aidans actually watched some of my singing, and enjoyed it!
I shakily type my instagram @ and turn off my phone.
I sigh sadly and walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Why would Aidan ever want to message me, he wouldn't want to message someone as ugly as me. (btw you're all beautiful and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise)
My breath begins to shake as my knees feel weak, I start to hyperventilate and frantically search for my mother's pill bottle.
Aidan wouldn't care anyways, he doesn't even know me, if he saw my posts of myself he'd block me and probably go throw up.
I open the bottle and look down the sink hole and begin to cry.
I reach inside the pill bottle, 1 pill, 2 pills, 3 pills, 8 pills.
I end up downing 15 pills. My vision starts to fade and my ears start to ring. I hear a ding from my phone, but faint.

I shut the door and head inside, I place my keys on the counter.
"I'm home Y/N!" I call out.
I wait for her response...nothing.
"Y/N?" I call out, louder.
Still nothing.
I head upstairs, a bit concerned.
I go into her room and see her phone on her bed, I quickly pick it up and her screen lights up.
'AidanRGallgher: hey Y/N, the way to deal with stress is to talk to someone or keep a stress diary to let out all your worries. I'll always be here for you to talk to, also I looked at more of your covers, you're really talented!'.
I furrow my eyebrows at this random boy who Y/N's never talked about, i'm assuming it's just some fan.
I hear groaning in Y/N's bathroom.
I knock on the door incase she's doing her business.
I don't hear a reply so I open the door.
I gasp and drop Y/N's phone, I see her unconscious body on the bathroom floor, her mouth is frothing and my pill bottle is spilt all over the ground.
My eyes start to water as I grab Y/N's phone and call the ambulance.

I wake up with bright lights in my face. I hear some yelling from what seems to be in the distance and heaps of people rush in. Where the hell am I?
They take out some tubes from my throat and then they stare at me.
I try to speak but my voice cracks, I have no moisture in my mouth.
They realise and give me a cup of water, I drink it.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Honey, you overdosed on pills, you're in hospital", A nurse replies.
"Where's my mum?" I ask.

Someone on the right of me taps my shoulder, I turn around and see my mother.

" were in a coma for 2 weeks", my mother sadly says.

"I'm sorry...", I sigh.

"This random boy, Aidan, texted you everyday", my mother says and hands me my phone.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now