Neighbours (Nicky)

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and trinity liked my post🥺

can't do top comments cuz my phone is being stupid and won't let me put in pics, sorry

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can't do top comments cuz my phone is being stupid and won't let me put in pics, sorry

<<nicky's pov>>
I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door shut, I grab the telescope out of my pocket and make my way to the bathtub and close the curtain. I bring the telescope up to my eye and peer outside the window towards the new neighbours. Inside I see a girl about my age, with E/C eyes and H/C hair, she turns her head to look at me and I quickly duck down. Hopefully she didn't see me.

<<your pov>>
I look around and catch the eye of a boy with black hair and green eyes looking at me with a telescope through his window. He quickly ducks down. What the heck?

<<timeskip to school, nicky's pov>>
"Nicky what were you doing in the bathroom for an hour straight?" Dawn asks me as we enter school.

"A long bath", I lie.

I never take baths.

"You don't take baths. You say it's gross to bathe in your own filth", Dawn crosses her arms and stops me from walking.

"Fine! New neighbours, I just wanted to find out more", I sigh.

<<timeskip to at school>>

"Isn't that the new girl?" Ricky points towards the same girl I saw before.

"Y-Yes that's her", I nod.

The bell rings, saving me from that awkward moment. I hurry off to my first class, which thankfully isn't with any of my siblings. I take a seat and wait for the rest of the class and the teacher to pile in. The new girl walks in and looks around to take a seat, her eyes land on mine and I quickly look away. I hear footsteps approach the chair next to mine and someone takes a seat.

"Hey stalker, i'm Y/N", the new girl greets me and puts her hand out for a handshake.

"Nicky, not a stalker", I grin and shake her hand.

"And that explains why you were using a telescope to spy on me?" She smirks.

"Not spying. I'd say observing".

"You're funny", She giggles at my joke.

We continue talking throughout class, even when the teacher told us off for talking too much. I think i'm really falling for her...

"Helloooo? Earth to Nicky? Bell went", Y/N waves her hand in front of my face.

"I'm back", I get my books and head out the classroom with her.

"I can't wait to get home! My mum and I are gonna bake some stuff", she puts her books in her locker.

"Uh, I like baking! Maybe I can come over?" I nervously ask.

"Of course! My mum wouldn't mind", she smiles and closes her locker and walks to mine as I trail along.

"Thanks, I'll just tell my siblings", I look around and see Ricky walking past me to his locker.

"Hey Ricky", I put my hand on his shoulder.

He turns to me after being startled.

"I told you not to do that!" Ricky points at me.

"Yeah yeah, i'm gonna go to Y/N's, can you tell the others and mum and dad?" I ask him.

Ricky nods his head and hurries off to his locker. I take my bag out of my locker and begin to head to Y/N's house.

<<timeskip, your pov>>
"Mum! I made a friend from school and invited them over to bake", I call out as I enter with Nicky.

"That's great! I'm in the kitchen", my mother replies.

Nicky puts his bag down near the living room couch and we make our way to the kitchen.

"Does your friend like baking too? What's her name?" My mum calls out.

"Yes he likes baking, and his name is Nicky", Nicky and I go into the kitchen where my mother was.

"Oh hello!" My mother smiles, a bit unexpected to see a boy but oh well.

"I gotta quickly run to the store and get some more milk, i'll be right back", my mother hurries our the door.

"Do you wanna get it started?" I ask Nicky.

He nods and we roam around the cupboards, grabbing the ingredients we needed for a cake.

"Heads up!" Nicky called out.

I look up and Nicky throws some flour at me.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" I grab some flour from the bag and throw some onto Nicky's head.

We laugh and continue to throw flour around. As I reach into the bag of flour my arm brushes against the eggs on the counter and one rolls off the counter, cracking at my feet.

"Oh crap!" I kneel down and grab some napkins to clean up the egg.

"Oh crap!" I yell again when I realise Nicky and I are basically covered head to toe in flour.

"My mum's gonna kill us!" I frantically wet a sponge and pat down my clothes.

Nicky does the same and we help eachother clean the floor. I feel something wet fall onto my hair and it drips in front of my face.

"Nicky!" I laugh and wipe the egg off my hair.

"My mum's gonna kill us", I laugh and wash my hair using the sink.

"Oh well", he shrugs.

"No, get cleaning!" I chuckle and help him aswell.

The ground is finally clear of flour and eggs but Nicky and I are still head to toe in it. A few minutes pass by until my mum gets back.

"I'm home!" My mum calls out.

"Hii", I greet her as she walks into the kitchen.

"Oh my god Y/N and Nicky!" My mum laughs seeing us head to toe in floor.

"I leave for about 6 minutes and you guys did this", she laughs.

Nicky and I burst out laughing and we brush ourselves off, not really doing much. Afterward, surprisingly we end up finishing the cake. It tasted pretty good, even though my mum did most of the work cause Nicky and I were clowning around. After a few pieces of cake it was already 7:30.

"I gotta go home, bye Y/N! Bye Y/N's mum", Nicky called out.

"Bye!" My mum waved from the kitchen.

I walked Nicky out of the door.

"Today was super fun Y/N", Nicky smiles.

"I know right, we definetly have to meet up again".

"We will, tomorrow after school?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Cya later!"


I shut the door and smile widely. I think I like Nicky Harper.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now