Soulmate (Aidan)

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The only colours I can see, are blue and green, that's my soul mates eye colour. Everyone, as soon as they're born can only see their soulmate's eye colour, and once you touch them, you'll be able to see every colour. I was tightly clutching my green and blue books, since my soul mates eye colour had blue AND green in it, which made me one of the few lucky people that could see two colours at once, thanks to my soulmate. I sigh and look around the grey dull classroom, wondering what everyone else sees, whether they're met their soulmate yet or haven't.

"Today we're going on an excursion, to the city library", our English teacher announced.

Several students groaned, since libraries aren't very,,,interesting. I shrug my shoulders and we all make our way towards the bus, I sit in the middle, waiting for someone to take a seat next to me.

"Hey", a boy who I don't recognise sits next to me.

"Oh hi...", I look in his grey eyes, slightly hoping he was my soulmate so I can finally see some colour.

"What colours do you see?" The boy asks me.

"Blue and Green..what about you?" I ask him.

"Brown, a really dark brown", he explains.

I feel sorry for him, brown isn't a colour that's easy to see, I can see the colour of the sky and the grass, while the boy i'm sitting with doesn't even know what it looks like.

"Do you think you know who your soulmate is?" I ask the boy.

He looks at the back of the bus, looking at another boy who has curly hair, the only colours i see on him is a stripe of blue on his shoes.

"Try bump shoulders with him, maybe he's the one", I smile at the boy.

He nods his head and we continue small talk.

The bus finally arrives at the library, I get out of the bus and wait for my other classmates, and some other students from other classmates. I see the boy who I was talking to on the bus step out, he sees the boy who he thinks is his soulmate and bumps shoulders with him. Both boys gasp and look around in shock, they hug eachother tightly and sob thank you into each others shoulders.
I'm so happy for them...

"Thank you so much Y/N", the boy hugs me.

I congratulate him as he walks to his class, with his newly found must be so amazing to find your soulmate.
Every time I see someone with blue eyes, or just green eyes, I get so excited thinking they're my soulmate but then I realise they need to have BOTH colours in their eyes.
I follow my class inside the library, the teachers give us a clipboard with paper and a pencil, we have to write down certain information by the time we have to leave.
I look at the clipboard and wander off in a random direction, away from my classmates.
I walk around the big library, finding it so hard not to yell in the study hall and watch everyone else's reactions.
I carelessly walk around trying to find something related to my answers on my notebook.
As I turn a corner I knock into a figure and fall to the ground.

"Watch where you're going", I mutter and rub my head.

"Do you see it?!" The boy asks me.

"See what?" I collect my pencil and clipboard from the floor.

"The colours!" The boy helps me up.

"Yeah I see the colours, I see blue, green and grey. Nothing else", I sigh.

"What? But- I see all the colours", the boy looks around.

"Good job. You found your soulmate", I look away sadly.

"You're my soulmate silly! As soon as I knocked into you I-I saw all the colours!" He explains.

"I don't see any colours...", I state to him, confused.

"Wh-What?" The boy asks, very confused.

"I don't know, maybe you brushed past your soulmate as you fell, but i'm not your soulmate", I rub my shoulder.

"No! It's fading away! All the colours!" The boy shouts.

"I-I don't know how to help you", I tell the boy.

"Touch me", he says.

"Excuse me?" I scrunch my face.

"No I mean just...", the boy grabs my arm tightly.

"Ow! What the hell?" I pull my arm back from the boy.

"It's not working!" The boy grabs my arm again.

"Let go of me! I'm obviously not your soulmate", I pull my arm back again and walk away from the boy.

What the hell just happened???
His eyes were blue and green, but he didn't make me see any colours...
What if he is my soulmate?
No he can't be! I didn't see any colours.
I groan and rub my head, the impact still causing it to throb a bit.
I give up on my work, and decide to just get the answers from someone else.
I look through the bookshelves for an interesting book.
I find one and read the back of it, then take it over to the librarian. Wow it's not a typical old lady with glasses, it's actually a young boy? Must be his part time job or something...
I show him my library card and he checks my book out in silence.

"Thanks", I smile and grab my book, as I do so my fingers brush against him and the room instantly fills with colour.

Brown, black, pink, purple, yellow, red, blue. Everything's so colourful!

"Do you see the colours?" I ask him.

"Hm, wow", the boy shrugs as he looks around.

"I-I'm your soulmate", I smile at him.

"Hate to break it to you but, I don't believe in soulmates. You are my soulmate yes, but I don't care", the boy searches under the desk for books.

"What?? But if we don't get married then we'll see black and white again...", I tell him.

"I know, and I don't care", the boy sighs and looks away.

"Please just...give me a chance", I hold the boys hand hopefully.

"Fine. Meet me outside the library at 8", the boy tells me.

"Thank you", I smile and hug him over the desk.

He gently pushes me back and continues to do his job. Why doesn't he care if he sees colour or not??

damn i'm on a role with all these updates

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now