Losers Club (Aidan)

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(this is gonna be really inspired by IT because i love that movie so much)



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<<your pov>>Thunder roared in my ears while rain hit my window

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<<your pov>>
Thunder roared in my ears while rain hit my window. It was the middle of the night and I awoke during a thunder storm. My biggest fear. I tried to call my best friends but the electricity went out, and I was too scared to go down the hall to my brother since I couldn't turn on the lights. I hid under the blankets hoping the storm will pass quickly. A minute or two later I hear sounds of bells jingling together, and footsteps. I freeze when I hear my door start to open. I'm gonna die.

My throat tightens and I feel frozen, i'm too scared to move. I feel the blanket start to pull off me, slowly. I closed my eyes shut tightly, this cant be happening. I tried to call out for my brother but I couldn't make any noise.

I slowly open my eyes and see a freakishly tall clown standing at the end of my bed. I gasp and heave for air, watching as the clown creeps towards me. I look at my bedside table and frantically search for my asthma pump. I look on the ground and quickly grab it and pump it into my mouth.

"Time to float", the clown smirks.

"M-MUM! EDDIE! HELP! ANYONE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Shhh", the clown puts his gloved finger to my lips.

"EDDIE!" I scream out.

I hear footsteps in the hall and the clown disappears.

"WHAT?" My brother Eddie and my mother stand at my room door.

"Th-There was a clown!" I choke out.

My mother scoffed and went back to her room.

"A c-clown?" Eddie asks as he makes his way towards me.

"It-It said to me that it was time to float", I get my breathing back under control.

"It might've been a nightmare", Eddie sits on my bed next to me.

"No it felt so real, it dragged the blanket off me and it put its finger to my lip", I motion towards the blanket on the floor.

"I'll stay here with you, to make you feel more safe", Eddie rubs my back.

"Th-Thanks Eds", I sigh and put my asthma pump on my desk.

"Don't call me that", he mutters as he grabs my blanket and puts it back on my bed.

"Sorry", I apologise and get into my bed.

Thankfully the storm is starting to stop. I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep.

"C'mon Y/N!" Someone shakes me awake.

"What?" I groan.

"We have to meet the others at the quarry soon", Eddie shakes me again.

"Shit, okay, out", I sit up and push my brother out of my room.

I get ready and grab my asthma pump, putting it into my shorts pocket and slipping on my shoes, meeting Eddie outside. I get on my bike and we pedal towards the quarry.
We arrive just as the others came aswell.

"You okay Y/N?" Aidan asked me.

"Yeah, just tired", I lie.

I was actually thinking about that clown. That evil grin on his face, the horrifying height he was...how he was drooling so much.
We head up to the top of the cliff and sit and chat for a while.

"Did you guys lose power in that storm last night?" Stanley asked Eddie and I.

"I saw something...", I say as I nod.

"Saw what?" He asks.

"There...there was this clown, a-and it told me it was time to float, and it even pulled off my blanket...it seemed so real", I put my head in my hands.

"I s-saw a c-c-clown too", Bill stutters.

"I told you it was real", I say to Eddie.

"G-Guys whats th-that?" Bill asks as he shaking points towards some trees.

Behind some trees I see the same clown, murderously smiling at us.

"Shit...", Eddie gasps.

He fumbles around and unzips his fanny pack, takes out his asthma pump and pumps it in his mouth a few times.
The clown starts creepily walking towards us.

"What do we do?" I whisper.

No reply.

"It's time to float", the clown leans over towards us.

It starts to take big steps closer and closer.
We stand up and back away from it, but it approaches closer. I take another step back but almost fall, Aidan holds my arm and steadies me. I look behind me to see we're at the edge of the quarry.

The clowns eyes go yellow and he grows fangs, he screams and runs towards us clinging his head around.
I scream and jump off the edge, landing into the water on my back. My body starts to sting and I groan in pain. I look up to see the others jumping down too. I quickly get out of the way so nobody else lands on me.
I feel hands grabbing at my ankles, I scream and throw my ankle around until Aidan's head quickly bobs up from the water.

"HELP!" He shouts before going back down into the water.

I quickly grab him by his waist and lead him over to some flat land that was in a little cave on the quarry wall.

"What happened are you okay?" I ask hitting his back to get the water out of his lungs.

"S-Someone pulled me off the cliff and I landed on my face and I couldn't breath", he coughs up some water.

"It's okay, we're safe here, just keep coughing", I rub his back and look at the others that were frantically swimming towards us.

They pull themselves onto the bit of land and heave for breath.

"What the fuck was that?" Richie asks between breaths.

"It...and it'll be back for more", I reply.


&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now