Different (Five)

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(this was requested)

I sat at the dinner table, extremely uncomfortable. Everyone except for Five, Four and Seven were looking at me in disgust, like I wasn't human. The thing is, i'm different from all of them. I don't have beautiful hair like all of them, i've always been bald, not from cancer, from my power. I also am a bit chubby, it's not my fault I have a slow metabolism, everyone at the table except for 3 of my family members treat me differently. Whenever I touch someone, I can feel their emotions towards me, or anyone in general.
I sat next to One, who was always embarrassed to be seen with me, I quickly brushed my hand against him, and instantly knew he felt disgusted by sitting next to me, he scrunched his face up in disgust when I touched him, as if I had some disease...

Dinner time finally ended, and we were all sent to our rooms. As I was going down the hallway, Two shoved me into a wall, and One high fived him as he did so, this is just the normal in this cursed household.

"Are you okay Eight?" Five asks me.

"Yeah, it always happens anyways", I sigh and look at Five, but quickly look away so he doesn't notice my faint blush.

"Yeah...sorry about that, you shouldn't be treated like that", Five tells me, which causes me to smile and my blush to get darker.

"Th-Thanks Five", I smile, still looking down to avoid eye contact.

"Eight! Five! To bed, now", Dad calls from the hall.

We nod and go into our seperate rooms, I lay on my bed and sigh, knowing I have no chance with Five. I'm just glad that him, Four and Seven don't treat me differently.

The bell rings, signalling us all to get ready for training. I quickly get out of bed and put on my uniform, I walk out to the hall and make my way up the spiralling staircase to where dad was waiting, along with One whose always first.
As I was walking up the stairs, Three trips me causing me to loose balance. I scream and cover my head, embracing for impact, but instead I fall into someone's arms. I look up to see Five, holding me from falling.

"S-Sorry, I teleported to you as soon as I saw you loose balance", Five let's go of me once i'm standing properly.

"It's okay, thanks Five", I quickly hug him and then continue to walk up the stairs, to try hide my blushing face.

Soon, everyone gets up, and we race down the stairs, seeing who can get down first. Two slides down the railing, while One tries to push himself past everyone. To avoid getting tripped again, I stay at the back. I feel arms grab me and suddenly i'm at the bottom of the staircase with Five.

"Such a cheater!" One whines as he gets to the bottom of the stairs.

"He's adapting!" Dad calls from the top of the stairs.

We had our 30 minutes of play time, I was sitting in Four's room along with Five and Seven. Four being himself, had lit something on fire and was muttering silly chants as he called them.

"Four you're gonna burn the house down", I laugh.

"Trust me that's the plan", he continues to mutter silly chants.

"Five...can I ask you something? Alone?" Seven asks Five.

Five nods and they walk out of Four's room, me being curious I decided to listen in to their conversation, I put my ear against the wall and can kind of hear them.

"Do you like Eight?" I hear Seven ask, my heart flutters just at the thought of Five liking me back.

"I don't know...I would but, she's...", Five rambles.

"She's what?" Seven asks.

"She's a fat baldy! Everyone will make fun of me if I like her", Five admits.

Tears well up in my eyes, and it feels like my heart is being stabbed repeatedly. I quickly run out of Four's room, past Five and Seven, and outside the front doors. Nobody likes me, not even the people who I thought I could trust.

"Number Eight get back here!" Dad calls out after me as I run down the street.

"Let her run maybe she'd loose some extra fat", Two laughs.

"Go get her!" I hear Seven yell.

I shake my head and let the tears fall out of my eyes, as I continue to run away from the place that has kept me feeling so sad and run down. Maybe I can find a wig, and loose some weight...maybe then, someone can like me for who I am.
I stop running at a coffee shop and enter, I sit on one of the chairs at the back of the room, catching my breath.

"Can I get you anything?" The barista smiles at me.

I shake my head and she walks off, I put my head in my hands and quietly sob to myself. Five, a boy that I genuinely love, called me a fat baldy...

"Eight!" I hear a familiar voice call.

I turn around to see Five at the door, then make his way towards me.

"Go away, you're too embarrassed to be around me anyways", I wipe away my tears.

"I'm sorry Eight, I didn't mean it...I just didn't want to admit my true feelings to you", Five admits.

I guess there's only one way to find out if he's lying or not.

I grab Five's hand and realise he's not lying, he genuinely didn't want to admit to himself that he liked me...

"Five...i'm sorry for running off", I sigh into my hands.

"It's okay Eight, please come back before dad gets more mad", Five anxiously replies.

"Okay...fine", I look at Five and blush.

He grabs my hand and teleports me back to the academy, I walk in and am immediately told off by dad, of course...And i'm immediately scowled at, by the others.

At least I have Five...right?

Five disappeared into the future the next day.


&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now