Valentimes Day (Nicky Harper)

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also quick fun fact about me, i ALWAYS watched nicky ricky dicky and dawn when i was younger, my mum and i's fav character was nicky and my dad's fav was dicky. my mum would always trick me into cleaning and cooking cause nicky would do it and she'd say dOnT u WaNt To Be LiKe NiCkY?¿ gO cOoK. i burnt myself ISJJSJS also if y'all get the title reference ily uwu. anyways i rewatched like 12 episodes and i'm gonna rewatch the whole thing later :) i love reliving my childhood wow

<<your pov, in 5th grade>>
Valentines day, today was that day, and I had written out a valentine's letter for my crush, Nicky Harper. I'm pretty close friends with quadruplets, Ricky because we're both perfectionists, Dicky because of how silly we act in class, Nicky because of our similar humour, Dawn because of our good leadership skills, i've stayed over at their house a bit and always got along really well with Nicky.
I walked into school, and clutched my letter to Nicky very tightly against my chest, I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.

"Hey Y/N, oooh whatcha got there?" Ricky asks me.

"Looks like a valentimes day card", Dicky points at the card I was holding.

"It's VALENTINES, with an N", I tell him.

"THANK YOU! I've been trying to tell him that all day!" Ricky calls out.

"Whose it for hmm", Dawn teases me and tries to get it out of my hand.

"No one!" I turn away from Dawn.

"Pleaseee we won't tell", Nicky begged.

Oh if only you knew...

"You'll find out later", I turn back around to them.

"Pronise?" Dicky holds out his pinky finger.

"You're doing this on purpose now!" Ricky yells, clearly frustrated.

I giggle and wrap my pinky around Dicky's, oh god what have I done...

"Alright uh gotta go guys gotta get ready for class heh", I try to walk away.

"We're all in the same class! And we wanna see who you give the card too", Dawn follows me, so do the others.

"I wanna get there early, gotta do some homework", I lie.

"I'll help", Ricky volunteers.

"No uh it's a test, gotta finish the last few questions", I lie again.

"You just said it was homework?" Nicky questions.

"I meant a test...silly brain", I facepalm my forehead and accidentally drop the letter.

Before I could grab it Dawn picks it up and opens it.

"DAWN!" I yell.

Dawn gasps and hides the letter from the others, she grins at me and closes the letter, handing it back to me.

"Don't worry, I'll get them away from you", Dawn whispers into my ear.

"I just heard the canteen lady is giving away free glowing ice cream!" She tells the other three.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora