#38 You Talk About The Future

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‘luke, can i ask you something?’ ‘yeah babe’ ‘hm, do you want to have kids with me?’ you asked. ‘not yet obviously but one day’ you quickly added not wanting to sound desperate. ‘of course i do, but i want to get settled down you know, id like to have a boy and a girl, can you imagine little hemmos running around the house’ ‘hemmos? what about ‘Your/Last/Name’ ‘no no no, because by the time we had kids we will be married so, hemmos’ ‘you want to get married?’ you asked holding in your happiness. ‘yeah, and then grow old together like the do in the movies’ ‘promise?’ ‘i pinky promiseY/N, i love you’ ‘i love you to luke, more than you will ever know’


You had just been in an accident and was currently in the hospital. You were fine just some cuts and bruises and a broken leg, michael was sat next to you and he was nearly in peices. ‘i thought i lost you Y/N, when i got the call i was was crying. I didnt want to lose you!’ ‘you would have michael, im fine perfectly fine’ ‘i know, i know but what if you died? Who would i grow old with, have children with, get married to. I only ever want you Y/N, and knowing i could have lost you makes me want you 100% more’ your smile grew bigger at every word. ‘your not getting rid of me that easily clifford, and if we have a girl, its being called darcy’ ‘yeah yeah’ he said giggling at the end.


‘we have been together other 3 years’ you pointed out. ‘i know its crazy! i can remember how we met, you called a dick cause i spilt a drink on you’ ‘i know, and now look at us!’ you said, ‘Do you ever like, uh think about marriage?’ he asked nervously. ‘yes, all the time’ ‘you do?’ he screamed. ‘yeah, is it bad’ ‘no i do to, id love to getting married to you, the wedding would be perfect. You would have a white dress, and id get the boys to dress in suits, and imagine are kids strolling behind you’ ‘you have it all planned out dont you?’ ‘of course i do, i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and our childern, i love you’ ‘i love you too baby’.


You nd cal were walking through the park hand in hand watching all the parents play with there children and having fun. ‘imagine Y/N, one day we will be doing the hopefully’ ‘doing what?’ you said looking around for things he might be on about. ‘you know, taking our children to the park, playing on the swings and having picnics, if you want kids that is’ ‘of course i want children, ive just never thought about it. Can you imagine the boys being uncles, the kids would live of pizza when they was with them’ ‘true, but i honestly wanted kids, 2 girls or 2 boys, or 1 girl 1 boy’ ‘one day, i promise we will have kids and live happily ever after calum, one day’

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