Chapter 6

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Today was Saturday, the day you and Sting planned on meeting. You didn't want to glam yourself because it's not like you to get dressed up, so you put on a normal blue shirt with a long black skirt, suspenders, and white sneakers (like the picture above). As always, you braided your hair and put on your thick glasses. You then left to reach the meeting spot so you wouldn't be late.

On the other hand, Sting wanted to look as best as he could. He wanted to make this particular event be his chance to make you fall for him. He wore something casual; a black, tight t-shirt, that showed off his well sculpted abs, with a blue overshirt that he left unbuttoned. Jeans and black shoes, then his trademark earring on his right ear. He felt so ready for the operation and arrived at the destination 15 minutes earlier than the agreed time.

You arrived about 10 minutes after Sting, and noticed him waiting.

"Sting!" You called to him. He turned around and looked at you.

"Sorry, have you been waiting long?" You asked.

"No... I just arrived a few minutes ago." He answered.

"Thank god."

Sting squinted his eyes at your appearance, and seemed a bit irritated.

This girl knows that I'm someone that everyone wants, right? This might be your one and only chance OY! Gah... She didn't wear proper clothes, these clothes are just... lame. Not to mention that she didn't even wear make-up. THINK STRAIGHT, STUPID GIRL!

Sting glared at you menacingly, which made you look to the side.

She must be thinking about how hot I am. Sting smirked, cockily.

He looks so scary, yet so dumb. You deadpanned.

Both of you made your way to the train station. The train was packed, which made sense since it was the weekend. You were standing in front of a man who was about 20 years old. A gasp escaped your lips and you flinched as you felt contact on your lower back. Sting looked at you, then noticed the man. He glared, and, as he was about to say something, you turned around. Your hair hid your face as you gripped the man's hand, twisting his wrist in an uncomfortable position.

"Try that thing again, and no doctor or surgeon alive will find a way to fix your hand, got it?" The man wanted to retort but, being the center of attention, he decided to nod and leave to a different train car. Everyone's attention went back to what they were doing before.

You were standing beside the train pole, which would explain why you were the chosen target. You were trapped between him and the pole. Your legs felt weak, so you leaned against the pole and held on for support. Adrenaline was pumping through you, but you found a way to make yourself look as casual as possible to a regular person. However, Sting noticed your unease. He might not be the most caring person in the world, but having someone he knew be harassed in front of him made him feel the need to be more gentle. He stood right next to you the whole ride, walking out behind you after you arrived. As soon as you stepped off, you took a deep breath and felt your nerves calm down a bit.

"Ne... (Y/N)."

"Yes?" You looked at Sting while he stared ahead.

"Why did you act like that?"

"Like what?"

"With that person in the train." You looked at him questioningly and stayed silent, giving him the cue to keep going.

"You were scared, weren't you?" He moved his eyes to you. The question made you a little surprised. You couldn't believe he noticed that.

"Hee... You noticed, huh?"

"Of course I did. The fact that you couldn't even stand up on your own was enough to give it away."

You giggled, sheepishly. "You're unexpectedly good at observing, huh?" You could see an imaginary tick mark appear on his head.

"Huh?! What do you mean 'unexpectedly'!? And don't dodge the question, young lady!"

"Well... How was I supposed to act? Let him keep doing it, show my fear and cower like a damsel? And then what? Wait for prince charming to save me? Sorry, but I don't believe in fairy tales. Reality is: people won't always take the time to help, they'd much rather not get involved. If I can't stand up for myself, then I will be an easy target for people to break."

Sting looked at you silently. "...You're a strange person."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you look so nerdy, fragile, and weak on the outside, but you always act as if you're strong. That doesn't fit you at all, you know. Try to do something that matches your style." This made you irritated. Very irritated. Why did you have to encounter this person? Then suddenly, you heard him start laughing loudly.


"Your face just looks so funny when you're angry. It makes the smart (Y/N) look so stupid, even though it's not really clear because of those damn glasses." Your confusing switched back to irritation, so you decide to give him a retort.

"Eh~? Even the Sting says that I'm smart? Well gee... thanks! But you know.. unlike me, your personality matches your appearance rather well."

"And what's the match? That I'm hot, attractive, appealing?" He smirked at you slyly.

"No, stupid!" You smiled and left him standing alone while you walked into your designated research spot.

This girl is truly amusing. This game is gonna be more fun than I thought. Sting thought, smirking and following after you.

But deep in his heart, something small began to sprout.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now