Chapter 24

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The date day has come. You and Lucy prepare yourselves for each pf your date. But one thing that cross your mind.

Ah. I just remember that i can't choose nice clothes and do make ups.

Then, the house bell ring. You thought that it's Natsu. You kind of freak out because you know Lucy is not even close to ready. When you open the door, you're shocked to see three girls standing in front of it looks as if they're ready to fight.

"What are you guys doing here?" you ask them.

"Prepare you and Lucy for your dates of course." Erza say without any hesitation.

"Oh. You're already here?" Lucy ask rhetorically to the other. Turns out, this is Lucy's doing because she herself know nothing about dating. Then the three help you and Lucy. Juvia even animatically cry and say things like 'My babies have grown.'

They make you use a short blue dress that stop before your thigh with a white belt on the waist. Then you use a short white boots to finish it. They let your hair down but roll it a little on the end of it. They give you a little make up. The treatment and facial really give you a lot change. But there are still spots that haven't recovered fully so they cover it with concealer. They give you red-pinkish lip tint, pink blush and mascara.

For Lucy, they make her use a white and dark blue short dress which the upper part goes until the neck. They give her white heels to go with it. They put her hair into a bun but let some of it loose. They also give her a light make up. But because her face is already good, they didn't need to put as much effort as they did to you.

"Then for the finishing." Juvia says proudly. You tilt your head to the side not knowing what she meant by that. You think this is already enough.

"TADA!" She lets out two pairs of contact lense.

"Oh... No. No. No! I'm not gonna use that!" You say loudly at them.

"But (N/N)-chan..."


"Then you just gotta go without being able to see." Erza say to you.

"And why is that?" She then quickly snatch your glasses from your eyes makes you feel like you're blind.

"Then? Choose." Erza demand you. You definitely sure that she is smirking right now.

"Fine. I'll use the contact lenses." You say while pouting. When you're ready, its already 10 minutes to 8.

"I'm gonna be late! I have to go now." You say grabbing your purse then get out of the house while the other shout things like, 'good luck' and 'have fun'. After a five minutes walk, or more like little run, you arrive at the station. There, you can see a blonde-haired boy using clothes alike with the one he use when you were observing for your assignment. You then call him.

"Sting!" He look at you and seems a bit confused. He tilt his head a little then scratch his neck while saying...

"Um... I'm sorry, but right now i have an appointment with someone." He laugh sheepishly. Now it's your turn to look confused.

"Sting, its me, (Y/N)." Then reality hit him. The person that has been calling his name is the girl he's about to date.

THIS GIRL ISN'T THE PERSON I WAS ABOUT TO DATE! HOW CAN SHE.... He looks at you without any words. You try wave your hand in front of his face but he stay still. You decided put both of your hands on his cheeks then... You smack your head to his forehead. Both of you holding your heads because of the pain.

"What the heck (Y/N)-chan!"

"I tried to call you but you didn't move even an inch." You say pouting. He then chuckle.

"Sorry, I just didn't know how to act. I thought you send someone to deceive me. But that head smack proofs me that it's you."

"Huh? Why do you think that i'm someone else." He then move his head closer to you and stop midway.

"Datte, (Y/N)-chan looks so beautiful right now that i didn't even notice you." He then stand straight again and walk away but you still stay on your spot with burning face.

"(Y/N)!" He calls you which makes you startle.

"You're coming or what?" You quickly run to him holding the strap of your bag. You look really nervous right now. You still don't feel confident. Seeing your uncomfort, Sting suddenly takes one of your hands and intertwined it with his. You look at your hand then at him.

"Don't worry. I'll make this date the greatest date. After all, (Y/N)-chan try to be beautiful just because of me." He grins at you.

"Shut up." You say mumbling and he giggle at that. But deep down you know.

This will be one of the greatest time of my life.

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