Chapter 40

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You cry so much until you can't cry anymore. First, because you can't shed any more tears. Second, because you're too tired to do that. And the third, because you're already feeling numb. So now, you're asleep on Lucy's hug. The girl have a little difficulty on moving you to your room, but thanks to your light body, she was able to take you there.

"It's been so long since the last time i saw (Y/N)-chan like this." Lucy says to no one in particular, sitting beside your sleeping self. 

"Last time was when you lost your cat. You were still a drama queen back then." She laugh then she then caress your head and sleep beside you.

Just like old time huh, (Y/N)-chan. Lucy thought to herself. Then she drifted to sleep.

In the middle of the night, you wake up. Your drifting self wakes Lucy up. You sit on your bed looking lifeless. Lucy then sit down too and pat your head.

"Hey. I know something hard happened to you but, you know what? I will always be here to help you." She smile sincerely to you. You then look at her with sad eyes and ask her.

"Ne Lucy. Am I that... bad?"


"I'm just a waste of space aren't I?" This makes Lucy's eyes go wide.

"What the heck are you saying?!" The girl asks you with anger present on her voice. You then tell her the whole story which make her furious. But then, it's you we're talking about so you don't want Lucy to do anything. Both of you then go back to sleep, as that what Lucy suggested you to do. The morning has come and you and Lucy ready to go to school. But today, you try to come as late as you can.

"Are you really okay coming to school like this?"

"Yes. I don't want to miss any lesson just because of this shit happening."

"You're always acting like that (Y/N)-chan. It's okay to be emotional sometimes."

"I had. And i don't like it." Right now, you look like the old you. Don't want to show emotion to people, cold, and you just back to your nerdy appearance. The time you arrive at school, you're already late so Sting has no time to disturb you. The whole day, you try to avoid the boy at all cost. You didn't want to see him at all. In the end of the day, you really want to go home early, but if you do that, Sting will know where to find you, so you hide in the rooftop. Not everyone have the key of this place, but you have it because of some things happened so this is the perfect place to hide. It has been three days you repeat the same action.

Right now, you've been in the rooftop for an hour, so Sting must have gone home. Oh how wrong you are to think like that. The moment you open the door, he's there leaning on the wall beside the rooftop door, his hand being fold in front of his chest.

"Done with the hiding?" He says to you, annoyance can be found in his voice. You're startled by the boy and about to close the door but the boy is faster. He hold it, get into the rooftop and then close the door behind him.

"What is wrong with you?!" He is really angry right now but you just stare to the side so you don't have to look at him.

"It has been three days that you avoid me. I'm so frustrated. And the fact that i can't do anything about it made it worse." He run his hand trough his hair making it messier.

"Hey. If i have done something wrong, just tell me. We can sort this together you know? You're the one who said that as long as we both have the same feeling we can fight it right?" The boy asks you. Right now your body is trembling like crazy. You're sad, but mostly it's because you're angry. 

"(Y/N)?" You take a deep breath then look up at him. You look right in his eyes with no emotion.

What happened to her? Sting asks to himself. He was about to ask you but you beat him to it.

"Just stop your damn act Sting."

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now