Chapter 16

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"I've never thought you could drive." You say to the blonde while he smirks wider at you.

"Ready to admit my coolness?"

"No." You answer quickly and briefly.

"Hee~ why can't you just admit it already (Y/N)-chan?"

"Stop the –chan thing already." You say with a slight pout while he chuckle.

"I like the sound of your name with -chan. Not to mention i get to see your irritated face." He says which makes you even more irritated.

"By the way, why didn't you, well more like, Lucy put your glasses away when you're unconscious?"

"Because she knows that i don't like it."

"What the- You're freaking in pain you know?"

"But if i didn't use my glasses, then i wont be able to see anything." You say.

"Is it really that bad?"

"It is really that bad." You say straightly.

"Is that so?"

"By the way Sting." He answers with a hum.

"Are you really allowed to bring car to school? Isn't it prohibited?" you ask.

"Ah. I'm not allowed to do that."

"Then why?"

"I just want to." He gives you that stupid smile of his.

"That didn't answer my question." He giggle at your reply.

"Well, i actually don't like to bring car to school. Not only to school, everywhere actually."


"Yea, but sometimes i need to do things to show off or someone will eventually beat me."

"The-- What's with that answer?" You ask still don't get what he meant.

"I mean, being popular is not easy because you need to maintain it by doing things you don't even want." You then look at him questioningly.

"Then why choose to be popular guy?"

"I didn't choose to be, the world choose me." Now you're completely irritated at this dork. Your eyes and nose are twitching and tick mark appear on your head. Sting laughs while stealing glances at you. He then pat your head gently that makes you jump a little and face red from his gesture.

"Don't worry, i'm used to this kind of treatment."

"I-I'm not worry!" You say with red face and embarrassed expression while trying to smack his hand away from your head.

"Tsundere hmmm?"

"I'm Not A Tsundere!" He laugh.

"Tsun-chan." He looks a little at you with a cute smile that makes you even redder. You then just huff and look out the window. The way to the hospital just filled with radio musics. Before you realize it, you've already arrived. You then register yourself and wait for your name to be called. Turns out, the doctor's work time starts in 15 minutes, so you have to wait.

"I'm thirsty. I want to buy a drink. You want something?" Sting asks you.

"Just get me something to drink too. I'm quite thirsty myself."

"Kay." He then walk outside to the vending machine.

Ah. I should have asked him to buy me that new tea. I'm quite into it lately. But whatever. I'll drink whatever it is.

"Here." He then hand you a can of tea. The tea that you want.

"How did you-?" You ask with a questioning face.

"Ah. I think i saw you drink this thing lately." He says then sips his drink. You then look down to cover your blushing face with you messy hair so he wont see it. But to your dismay, he saw it and smile at how cute you're acting.

"Thanks." You say quietly then drink the tea.

"You're welcome."

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now