Chapter 42

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You have arrived at your house. For a few days, you look lifeless. You can't even do anything well to the point where Lucy have to help you from time to time so that you will be able to do things better. Not to mention that your other friends are also helping you.

The break up has already made a great impact on you. But that's not the greatest matter right now. The real problem is, the news about you already broke up with Sting after only a week of relationship spread very fast. The fact that after your relationship with Sting has ended, he quickly have a relationship with Minerva made it even worse. They even know that you're only a bet game. After the particular event, there are words that you hear a lot. Something like...

"As I thought, Sting-sama would never want to be with her."

"Damn bitch."

"She's so stupid thinking that Sting-sama want her."

"She's too cocky."

"She gets what she deserve *laugh*"

Not to mention that the bully has gone even worse. One time you were splashed by dirty water, then shot by balls, being tripped, you even being punched and kicked by the bully. They don't bother to hide theirself anymore, because most people do it, so even the teacher won't able to do anything about it.

You are filled with scars and bruises, even if you try to hide it, a few people still able to see it, especially your blonde ex. You sometimes caught him looking at you, but you assumed that he enjoyed your messed up state. Those stares which supposed to make you happy or blush, give you the opposite effect. Not to mention that he never tried to talk to you or even look at you in the eyes when you were together (like in group work or such) which makes you feel like, 'am i that shitty for you?'. But the most disgusting thing is that he and Minerva is practically unseparated, literally. Minerva even sit on him every lunch break so they wont be 'separated'.

Ewh. That is just pure disgusting.

You never care about him anymore. Well, you try not to even if it is very hard. You still try to smile in front of your friends even if they know that you're breaking inside, but you don't want to worry them so you do your best to look as happy as you can. But the one person who worried about you the most is not your friends, but a certain blonde boy. You always thought that he never care but you're so wrong. He's always thinking about you. He never even get a proper sleep because of a certain girl. His sleeps are always filled with your smile, but it disappear and he only find your expressionless face which hurt him a lot. But what's worse is the dreams he got recently. It's been two months since your break up and in the last two weeks, he's been dreaming that you're dead. In his dream, you died by various ways, falling off the roof, car accident, drown, and many more.

But today, he got the worst dream. This is the last way that he want to see. In his dream, you were being killed. He can see you were laying lifeless in front of him. Your eyes are not the shimmering eyes he used to see, especially when you're smiling. This one is even worse than your emotionless eyes. He's trembling so bad looking at you. You even have several stabs on your body. When he is in the middle of trembling, he can feel that he hold into something and when he looks at it, it's a knife. He then realize that he was the one who killed you. He finally wake up with sweat rolling down his body and he can feel that his heart is beating so fast.

I'll go crazy if this keeps on going.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now