Question 425

330 5 4

(Meggy, Mario, Saiko, and Tari, along with their DBCS boss pets, made their way to the middle of Inkopolis, helmets on their heads, and towards ReaderFromWR, who was sitting on a bench.)

ReaderFromWR: Hello! Meet my new pet!

Mario: Ooh!

ReaderFromWR: This is Gigantic Bite.

Meggy: It has many guns just like your Great Thing, Mario!

ReaderFromWR: Your pets are bound to get along with mine.

(The five pets moved towards each other.)

Saiko: I wonder what they're doing.

(The pets embraced each other. They are now considered close friends, with Gigantic Bite now joining them.)

Tari: Aww, they're all so cute together!

(Gigantic Bite started to stare at Meggy's hair, which was long and hanging off the sides.)

Meggy: What's Gigantic Bite doing?

ReaderFromWR: Uh oh.

(Gigantic Bite started to jump towards Meggy, as she began to get chased by it.)

Meggy: Help me! He's gonna eat my hair!

(Mario carried Meggy and started to run faster.)

Mario: Let's get out of here!

Meggy: Good idea.

(Mario and Meggy ran home, leaving Tari, Saiko, and ReaderFromWR alone.)

ReaderFromWR: Gigantic Bite, stop!

(Gigantic Bite immediately stopped right dead in its tracks, as he walked back to his owner.)

Saiko: So... what do you wanna do?

ReaderFromWR: Maybe hang out?

Tari: Sure, Reader.

(Mario and Meggy arrived home and rapidly breathed in and out, as Futaba walked up to them.)

Futaba: What happened with you two?

Mario: We were chased by a mutant dunkleosteus that wants to eat Meggy's hair!

Futaba: Oh, that's awful!

(Futaba walked towards Meggy and hugged her.)

Futaba: There. Is that better?

Meggy: Yes it is, Futaba. Thank you.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now