Question 446

257 4 3

Meggy: Mario!

Mario: Yeah?

Meggy: Baldy Nosehair is back, and he's got a pet with him.

Mario: Let's take that egg person down!

(They brought Violent Ruler and Great Thing and went outside to see Eggman and Electric Fan causing mayhem. Sonic arrived and stood beside them.)

Sonic: Ohh. I hate Eggman!

Mario: Me too, brother. Me too.

Meggy: We gotta stop him before he inflicts any more damage!

Mario: Okie dokie.

Sonic: I'll distract him. You two try your best to attack him!

Mario and Meggy: Right!

(Sonic ran towards Eggman and started to distract him, while Violent Ruler and Gigantic Bite took shots and swings at Electric Fan while he isn't looking. They took him out after many hits, as Eggman looked over to see it defeated.)

Eggman: Electric Fan! You three are gonna pay for that!

Mario: We're filthy stinkin' rich! We don't need to pay, egghead!

Eggman: Grrrgh!

(Mario, Meggy, and Sonic started to fight with Eggman, and with their combined skills and weapons, they managed to defeat Eggman.)

Eggman: (laughs) Nice try, but it's not over yet! (teleports back to base)

Mario: SHET!

Meggy: He's gone... for now.

Sonic: You two were awesome. Even your pets did great.

Mario: Thank you, Sonic.

Meggy: If you come across Eggman again, you call us, along with Infinite, over. We'll defeat that bald egg for good!

Sonic: Catch you later, you two.

Mario and Meggy: See ya, Sonic.

(Sonic booster away, as Mario and Meggy returned to their mansion.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora