Question 431

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Meggy: Well, Mario did help me forget all about... that forbidden place.

Deathwind: I am a great therapist, Meggy. Trust me.

Mario: Trust me too!

Meggy: Okay, let's do it.

Deathwind and Mario: Have a seat, Meggy.

(Meggy laid down on the couch.)

Deathwind: So... what seems to be the problem, Meggy?

Mario: What's wrong, sweetheart?

Meggy: Do you remember that... "anime challenge" you had with Boopkins and Bob a while back?

Bob: I wAs So GoOd Of A wEeB bAcK tHeN!

Mario: But you burned down the castle.

Bob: WhAtEvEr.

Mario: Yes, I remember that.

Meggy: Well... I had terrible flashbacks of watching anime with Boopkins and Bob a year back.

Deathwind: Oh... so that PTASDRM really did forget to work.

Mario: Here's a good plan. Forget that even happened, while we make your friends stop being anime fans around you.

Deathwind: Boopkins, Bob, Tari. Just don't love anime in front of Meggy. You know she hates it.

Bob: I kNoW. i JuSt WANT HeR tO sUfFe-I mEaN, bOy Is ThE sUn LoOkInG nIcE tOdAy.

Tari: You hear that, Boopkins?

Fishy Boopkins: Yeah. Sorry, Meggy. Sorry for... possibly making you regret everything. I'm so sorry! (sheds a tear)

(Just then, Emily opened the door.)

Emily: There you are, Boopkins! (runs up to Fishy Boopkins and hugs him)

Fishy Boopkins: (hugs back) Aww, Emily.

Meggy: Well, if that is the best that I can do until the PTASDRM gets repaired, then I'll do it. (hugs Mario and Deathwind) Thank you two so much!

Deathwind: No problem, Meggy.

Mario: You're welcome! (kisses Meggy)

Meggy: (kisses back)

Tari: Aww. How romantic.

SMG4: Hey, Tari.

Tari: Yes?

SMG4: (kisses Tari)

Tari: (giggles) Thank you, SMG4.

(SMG4 and Tari hugged each other, as everyone began to hang out and wait for the castle to be cleaned out.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now