Question 500!!!

278 4 9

Meggy: Wow. We're now at question 500. Thank you all for helping me get this far, everyone! Not wasting any time, let's get into this huge question!
(looks at the question)
Well, Infinite. It's on.

(Meggy gathered up Mario, SMG4, Tari, Luigi, Fishy Boopkins, Bob, Saiko, Bowser, and Toad, while Infinite gathered up the MXR versions of all of them. Infinite, Crystal, (Y/N), Clauds, Machito, Aqua, Machito's Tari, and Machito's Clauds came to watch and judge.)

Infinite: So it's gonna be a 10 on 10. Let's see who's universe is better.

Crystal: You come up with such clever ideas, Infinite.

(Y/N): Go, Meggy!

MXR Meggy: Thanks, (Y/N)!

Machito's Clauds: It's so great to have you beside me, Machito.

Clauds: Same here.

Machito: Thank you, sweetie-pies.

Aqua: So which team are you gonna root for, Tari?

Machito's Tari: I don't know. They both have me in them, and I'm so confused.

(They decides to have the turf war in the biggest turf war area in all of Inkopolis, as both teams arrived on both sides.)

SMG4 and MXR SMG4: So how does turf war work?

Meggy and MXR Meggy: You try to cover most of the entire area as possible.

SMG4 and MXR SMG4: Sounds like an easy plan.

(Everyone got ready, and the match started. They all started to cover as much area as they could. For both teams, all that happened was the same. Meggy was the best player of the team, Mario was being a little bit of a dumbass, SMG4 tried his best to cover every spot on his coloured ink because he loved decorating, Tari focused on who's coming for her, Luigi was scared, Fishy Boopkins, Bob, and Toad were going crazy, Saiko was going brutal, and Bowser is mostly just there. Things got confusing for some of them once they met up with their alternate universe selves.)

Bob and MXR Bob: Am I lOoKiNg ThRoUgH a MiRrOr Or SoMeThInG?

Meggy: Bob, that's you from Infinite's universe.

Bob: HuH?

MXR Bob: (shoots Bob in the face)

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS.

Meggy: (shoots MXR Bob before he got the chance) Maybe you should be quicker than that next time. (runs away)

(Everyone shot ink at a very frequent rate at the ground, along with sometimes at teammates of the opposing team. Half the time, people will accidentally shoot their own teammates.)

SMG4: I got you now, MXR Toad. Take this! (shoots Toad with his Splat Gun)

Toad: What the hell, SMG4? You got the wrong Toad!

SMG4: Aw, goddamnit! (gets shot by MXR Toad)

MXR Toad: (shoots Toad) 360 NOSCOPE!

Tari: (shoots MXR Toad) You really should learn to focus!

(Bowser and MXR Bowser bumped into each other and started to fight each other. That caused a shockwave all around the arena, as someone needed them to stop. Mario then came in and stopped the fight by shooting MXR Bowser.)

Mario: That's for mocking the alternate universe version of Meggy! I know that she isn't mine, but no matter which Meggy it is, I don't want anyone to be dissing her!

Meggy: Thank you, Mario.

MXR Meggy: Thanks... SB123 Mario.

Mario: No problem, Meggys.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt