Question 547 Continuation

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(Orange Angel saw that Desti was about to wake up, as she woke up Mario, Meggy, Infinite, and Crystal.)

Orange Angel: Guys, wake up! It's time.

(She presser the record button on her phone and everyone else woke up and began to look at inside the base, as Desti woke up to see her surprise.)

Desti: Wha... why am I feeling cold? (gets out of bed, looks down, and realizes that she's naked) What the...? What happened to my clothes?!

SMG3: (wakes up and sees Desti like this, as he starts to have a nosebleed) Desti... why are you...

Desti: Don't... finish that sentence. (covers herself) Let me just find my clothes. (looks in the drawers and sees that all of her clothes are gone) Wha... what the... no... (looks harder and begins to panic) Where are all of my clothes?!

SMG3: Wait, what?!

Desti: My clothes... they're gone! They're all gone! What happened?!

SMG3: I don't know!

Desti: I'm so scared...

Orange Angel: (stops recording) Done and done.

Desti: Who did that?! (looks at Orange Angel, who recorded the video)

Orange Angel: April Fools! (laughs along with Mario, Meggy, Infinite, and Crystal)

Desti: (covers herself) Meeeeeeggyyyyyyy!!!

(The 5 pranksters ran away from the underground base, as Desti started to get both angry and scared.)

SMG3: I'll give these assholes our revenge soon, Desti! I promise! (hugs Desti)

Desti: (blushes hard and hugs back) Thanks, SMG3.

SMG3: Hey, Desti... remember the Power Stars we kept from 4 months ago? (holds up many Power Stars)

Desti: Yes... (begins to laugh evilly along with SMG3) But seriously, I need my clothes back first.

SMG3: Okie dokie.

(Orange Angel returned to her usual area, Infinite and Crystal returned to the castle laughing, and Mario and Meggy returned to their mansion home, all laughing hard on the way.)

Mario: Oh my god, that was so worth it!

Meggy: Indeed, Mario! This April Fools Day is gonna be crazy.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now