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Callum and I dive out of the way as a Phantom bean hits where we just were. I create a dome around us as Callum charges up a fire ball.
"Ready." He says. I let down my shield and duck as her throws the fire into a swarm of Phantoms.
"Scott! Callum!" Lizzie appears and tosses each of us a charm, "Energy charms." Callum creates a dome as I activate my charm and I do the same as he activates his.
"Scott we need a time freeze!" Lauren calls. She swings her sword and knocks out the surrounding shadows.
"I'm working on it!" An orb appears in my hands, I collect energy for a second before smashing it against the ground. Everything around us freezes and I'm left tired from using a lot of energy.
"That should be enough time." Shelby says. Everyone summons their charms and attaches them to their jewel holder.
"Everyone ready?" Lizzie asks
"We have to hurry." I say, "It's running out." "Ok, go!" We all activate our charms. A blast knocks out the remaining Phantoms.
"Is everyone ok?!" Shelby calls as the dust clears.
"Yeah." We all gather under the bridge.
"This is the third time this week." Callum says
"They're getting stronger and the solstice is in a couple days." Lauren says
"We have to stop wasting energy, we need it to keep our powers working." Shelby says
"And we need to come up with a different way to hold them off while we get our charms besides time freezes." I say, "I can't keep doing those and that one only lasted a few seconds."
"That too." Lizzie says, "Everyone back to the base."

We appear in the base.
"How was it?" Liam asks.
"They're getting stronger and we're getting weaker." Callum says.
"Well, you're powers are at 30%." Liam says, "They drop by approximately 10% a day and faster when you use them so they'll be gone by solstice."
"Well we can't just leave them out there to attack the rest of the town." I say
"We need to put some of our power into the reserves." Lizzie says
"Oh, also, we're invited to the Solstice Gala in the moon kingdom." Liam says
"Oh that's always fun." Lauren says.
"Yeah, I love the gala." Shelby says, "The lightning is cute." We all head over to our stations. I scan my hand on the pad.
"Welcome Scott, Holder of the Rainbow Charm." My computer opens.
"Thanks for fixing my computer." I say
"All you had to do was restart it." Liam says
"I was gonna try that but then Phantoms decided to attack us." I say
"Mhm." There's a loud bang from outside.
"What was that?" Callum asks
"Uh..." I pull up the camera footage from outside.
"I don't see anything."
"I have something across town." Lizzie says, "It's by the gates." We all teleport over to the border. There's a giant hole in the wall.
"What the-" All the rubble floats away from the hole.
"There's nothing here." Lauren says. We all look around for second. Something moves in the corner of my eye.
"Huh?" I look around but nothing's there.
"Guys, they're here." We all look at the car that driving towards us.
"Shoot, everyone go!" We put out hoods up and teleport back to the base.

"Hey guys." Will says, "What's up?"
"Someone blew a hole in the wall." Liam says
"Which one?" Em asks
"The West Wall." Shelby says, "By the Flower Kingdom."
"There was nothing there."
"I'll contact Ivy." Em says.
"Oh wait, the news!" Will turns up the volume.
"The masked guardians have been seen again in the East Garden..." The news reporter says.
"The masked guardians." Lauren scoffs, "We're The Guardians."
"They have caused major destruction and have slowed down the construction of the the nearby buildings..."
"I'm sorry, you try fighting hundreds of Phantoms with five people." I say
"They're extremely dangerous..." A woman being interviewed says.
"Excuse you!" Shelby says, "You don't have to fight Phantoms and we would clean up if you guys didn't chase us off!" Will turns off the tv.
"I need to get home." I say, "Call me if anything comes up." I teleport into an alley near my house and walk the rest of the way home.


I look at my side where I landed on a rock.
"Shelby, how was your day?" My mom calls from downstairs.
"Good!" I call. I put my hand over the bloody bruise to heal it, nothing happens.
"Dang it." I throw on a sweatshirt, put in my contact, and head downstairs.
"How're you?" My mom asks
"Good." I say. I search the bookshelf.
"What're you looking for?"
"Books on Phantom Moon." I say
"You mean that story I told you when you were younger?" She asks
"Yeah, do you know where those are?" I ask
"Probably in the basement." She says
"Thanks." I run downstairs and close the door behind me.
"Starlord?" I call quietly. My familiar appears.
"Hello!" She says cheerfully.
"Hey, I need your help looking for a book called Phantom Moon." I say
"Uh-huh." She jumps into one of the boxes. I look in another.

"I found it!" She jumps out of a box with a book in her mouth.
"Thanks." I take the book and flip through it.
"What are you looking for?" She asks sitting besides me.
"I remember something about the solstice in these stories." I say. She rubs her head against my side and heals me. She meows weakly.
"You're loosing you magic too." I say, "Save your energy, I'll call you if I need you."
"Are you sure?" She asks
"Yeah." I say.
"Ok." She disappears.

"Did you find it?" My mom asks
"Yeah." I head upstairs and call Liam.
"Did you find it?" He asks
"Yeah but there isn't much about the solstice." I say, "I'll teleport it over to you."
"Don't use your powers, use the transporter." He says
"Ok." I put the book into the transporter and send it to him, "Have you heard anything about Zach."
"Geez, it's been a while since you called him Zach." He says, "No, I haven't heard anything. I'll call you if I do."
"Ok." I say, "See you tomorrow." I hang up, lay down in my bed, and grab my computer.
"Hey Shelbs!" Parker says cheerfully, "How're you?" 
"Tired." I say, "The Phantoms have been active lately."
"Same here." He says, "I'm exited for the gala."
"Same." I say, "What're you wearing?"
"Probably just a casual suit, nothing to fancy." He says, "What're you wearing?"
"Em got me a new black dress, I like it but I'm not sure if I like it on me." I say
"Shelby? Who are you talking to?" My mom calls.
"Liam!" I say, "We're talking about a computer he's fixing." I hear her walking upstairs.
"Shoot, she's coming!" He shapeshifts into Liam.
"It's getting late." She says, "Hey Liam."
"Hey Miss Grace." Parker says, "How're you?"
"Good, thank you." She says, "Go to bed soon, you have to get up early tomorrow."
"I will." I say. She closes the door and Parker switches back.
"That's a lot harder than it was before." He sighs, "I had to use a lot of energy for that."
"Sorry." I say
"It's ok." He says, "I have to go anyways."
"Goodnight." I say, "See you at the gala."
"Night." I hang up.
"You should wear the black dress." Starlord appears.
"Moon familiars gain energy when they're with their Guardians at night." She reminds me.
"Ok." I yawn, "Just don't like my mom see you." She flicks her tail and my clothes are replaced with my pajamas. I turn off the lights and crawl under the blankets, Starlord curls up next to me.

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