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Someone appears. I pull out my bow.
"I come in peace."
"How did you get here? How did you find this place? Who are you?" I asks
"Ok, just lower your bow..." I keep the bow pointed at them.
"How did you get here? How did you find this place? Who are you?" I repeat
"I am Andrew Ryans and I may have followed a tracker." I release an arrow which just barely misses him.
"Who is the tracker on?" I ask
"Y-You almost hit me."
"Don't act surprised." I say, "I'll ask one more time; Who is the tracker on?"
"Beatrice Lerenses."
"It's Bea Larences." Bea says, "I knew there was a catch."
"Wait, do you two know each other?" I ask
"Oh yeah, he kidnapped me the other night." Bea says, "Dibs on killing him."
"Woah, woah, woah, please don't kill me." He says, "I know something that might be helpful to you."
"What?" I ask sternly.
"Actually, it's something that could help Snow, Illusion, and Charge." He says. Greta appears.
"How do you know those names?" She asks, "Who told you about Illusion?!"
"Hello Greta Minor." Andrew says
"Can you do anything?" I ask Bea. She closes her eyes and winces.
"So I was thinking about our talk a couple nights ago." Andrew says. Everyone from the Eternal Kingdom appears.
"We heard the alarm." Lizzie says. They all look at Andrew.
"You guys have amazing abilities, but yet your downfall is not having enough energy." He says, "But then I remembered, you're still human which means you still have flaws."
"What are you getting at?" Reni asks
"Well, when I was taking to Beatrice-"
"When I was taking to Bea she said they're was too much damage already or something." He says, "In conclusion, you're starving."
"I am not starving." Bea says, "Now I don't care who kills him, just do it."
"Wait." He says, "I think your Phantom friends what to know what I have to say... and I might know how to help Zachary Graser."
"What do you want?" Ursa asks
"I've noticed that you're healer and your charm holder have disappeared." He says, "Ryan and Eden isn't it?" Luna stands up
"They didn't disappear, they're dead." She says sternly.
"Do you ever wonder why you can't talk to your boyfriend's ghost?" He asks
"I can, I have."
"Once when he was on the cusp of death." He says, "He was close enough to dead that you could talk to him."
"Ok, now I want this kill." Luna says
"They're not dead." Andrew says, "They're in the same state as Zachary."
"If you know so much about us you know what I can do." Eli says, "You're using your knowledge to keep you alive but that won't last long."
"You can absorb everything I know." He says, "Do it if that's what you want to do. I just need to give you the information."
"Eli." Bea says, "Then Reni." Eli closes his eyes and glows for a second before opening them.
"Done." He says. Reni flicks their wrist, the knife stops in front of him.
"I forgot to mention, I'm protected."
"Oh yeah, I come from the future." Bea says, "And now you're not." She holds up a small black box.
"You will forget you were ever here." Daisy glows, "You will forget who any of us are, you will leave and never return, you will go on without your life and forget that this place exists." He looks at all of us and disappears. Bea coughs and stumbles back.
"Ok, you probably shouldn't have done that." Ari says catching her.
"Eli are you ok?" Daisy asks
"Yeah, I'm just sorting through all of this information." He says
"Bea, is it true?" Auni asks, "Is that why you can never have enough energy to time travel."
"No." She says, "It's not."
"There's  actually a lot of interesting stuff in here." Eli says, "He's extremely smart, amazing analysis, genius actually."
"Ok Eli, keep sorting through all of that, everyone else can go on with their day."


We sit on the floor of Lizzie's apartment.
"Ok, familiars are banned from eating the popcorn this time." Callum says
"So what're we playing first?" C asks
"Oh no..." Reni groans
"I'm the queen of embarrassing party games that would go down at a middle school sleepover." Ivy appears.
"I made it and I brought popcorn!" She says
"Yesss!" She sits next to Bolt and lays in her lap.
"Can't we just watch a movie?" Ursa asks
"If you wanna be boring." C says
"I have a lot of Disney movies and Harry Potter." Lizzie says
"Nobody else is suspicious about how peaceful it is?" Reni asks, "I've scanned the premises three times and there's nothing."
"You're being paranoid." Skye says, "And I'm one to talk."
"You can keep watching our back but we're gonna actually have some fun." Honey says

I sit up and look around. Everyone's asleep except Bea who's sitting at her computer and Eli who's sitting at his next to her.
"You're awake." Bea says
"Shhh!" Eli says, "Sorry but Andrew has so much information, it's annoying."
"What time is it?" I ask
"O100." Bea looks up at everyone, "Reni was right, it's too peaceful. I've tried looking into the future for threats but it makes me dizzy and it hurts like hell." Shelby appears next to me.
"Anything happen?" She asks
"Uhhh, one second." Eli puts his hand on his computer and a document appears, "That's better." He reads through it.
"Zachary Graser, Ryan Rose, and Eden Kenna are in an unstable state caused by severally damaged charms and magic aura." He skims through the document, "He must've spent years collecting all this data." A copy of Bea appears.
"I'm asleep." Bea points towards the living room. We look over to Bea asleep next to Auni.
"This is funny." Eli says, "Andrew thinks Skye and Andy are eighteen."
"How old are Andy and Skye?" Bea asks
"How do you not know that?" He asks, "Bea's fifteen, almost sixteen and Andy's seventeen."
"Wait, really?" I ask, "I thought they were like twenty or something."
"Skye still goes to high school." Eli says, "How did you guys not know this? We had a birthday party for Andy." Ursa walks over to us.
"So I know Chase is super gay, but is Scott...?" We look over at the couch where Scott and Chase are asleep next to each other, their hands almost touching.
"That's cute." Bea says
"Woah." Eli says, "He knew about the source."
"How is that possible?" I ask
"I'm still processing everything I got from him so everything I collected myself is gonna be pretty far back." Eli says
"He did have a strange aura." Shelby says, "Nothing that I've ever felt or seen before."
"Kullran." Ursa says
"An extremely intelligent species-"
"They're magical nerds." Ursa says
"Can't we just teleport to the source?" I ask
"It doesn't work like that." Bea says, "The Source is very selective on who it lets in."
"Oh no." Ivy gathers all of her stuff, "My parents are gonna kill me."
"Ivy-" She runs out.

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