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"We should be at the Source before the sun sets." Skye says
"Daffy do you have any food?" Lilly asks
"Yeah, want some chips?" She offers her a bag of chips.
"So are "the twins" all good now or are we still on eggshells?" I ask
"We're still on eggshells." Skye says
"What are we the Guardians of now that the kingdoms are gone?" Lauren asks
"Uh... I dunno." Daisy waves her arm to get our attention.
"Yeah Daisy?"
"Something is coming."
"Oh great." Luna says, "Do you know what it is?" She shakes her head. She counts down on her fingers from three, at one she points and our copies appear.
"Oh great." Ursa says
"We're not here to hurt you." Millie says
"Can you stop looking like me? It's creepy." Bolt says. Millie sighs. She shifts from Bolt to a shorter girl with brown hair, her left eye is completely black and her right is glowing blue.
"What do you want?" Eli asks
"Someone's a little upset." Lilly Two says
"You guys almost took my sister from me." He says. Vines burst out of the ground and pull all the copies besides Millie underground or something.
"Why not me?" Millie asks
"You're human." She says
"What do you want?" Ari asks
"Take me to the source and Eli gets his memory back." She says
"Why do you want to go to the source?"
"You guys aren't the only Guardians." She says, "We are everywhere... we were everywhere. Terri and I are the last of forty Guardians from our league. Terri still had strength so they gave me some to keep me alive but their powers are the opposite of mine which is why I'm damaged."
"You tried to kill us." Alex says
"No I didn't."
"You threw me against a rock!" Bolt says
"If I didn't one of the copies would've killed you." She says, "I need to get to the Source."
"Why did Terri try to kill us?" Reni asks
"The thing that killed almost all of the other Guardians tried to kill Terri and me," She says, "It corrupted them, it destroyed your homes, and it almost killed me."
"Fine." Greta says
"Who died and left you to make all the decisions?" Alex asks
"If she's lying the Source will kill her when we get there." Greta says. We all look at each other.
"Fine." Ari says
"I object." Alex says
"Well you're outnumbered." Ari says
"And when you're outnumbered you get everyone to turn to your side."
"She will give Eli his memories back." Ari says
"She tried to kill us!"
"If she's lying she'll die anyways." White glowing wings spread across her back.
"She can kill us along the way." Dark red wings spread across Alex's back.
"Are you scared of being killed by her?"
"Uh, what's happening?" Millie asks, "Doesn't the legend say that the most powerful angel and devil get along?"
"Yeah well the most powerful angel and devil just broke up." I say
"So is that a yes or a no?" Millie asks
"Yes, just remember we can kill you if we want." Skye says
"Don't worry, I know." She says, "Are we just gonna let them fight it out?"
"Yeah, they'll be fine." Ash says. The ground shakes.
"They'll be fine." Ursa says
"So my memory?" Eli asks
"Oh yeah, here." She hands him a bottle.
"Thanks." Ari walks over to us, she folds her wings.
"Is Alex-"
"He's fine." She sighs, "Let's go."


"We've walked like three feet and the sun's already going down." Ivy says
"Time tends to pass quicker when I'm around..." Millie says
"Huh, that's... interesting."
"It's ok, I have a friend in the next town who will let us stay with her," She says, "She's owes me a favor, she hates me, but she owes me a favor."

Millie knocks on the door.
"Millie, I told you to never talk to me again." A girl with dark purple hair opens the door.
"I know but you owe me a favor." She says. She groans.
"Fine." She sighs and looks at us, "Touch any of my animals and I'll tell them to bite your hand off."
"Oh yeah, Violet can talk to animals." Millie says. We follow Violet inside.
"This place is huge." Ivory says
"Yeah, well I have a lot of animals." Violet says, "I would introduce them to you but we'd be here for a while."
"So you can talk to animals?" Lizzie asks
"Yeah, I'm a Guardian." She blinks and her left eye turns purple.
"So how many Guardians are left?" Scott asks
"Uh, Terri, Violet, you guys, and me." Millie says
"So there's forty-two Guardians left?"
"Plus your unconscious friends." Violet says
"So are you going to the Source?" Daisy asks
"Last time-"
"I'm not deaf, I can't talk."
"Oh sorry. Last time I was at the Source my whole league died." Violet says
"What happened?"
"We were attacked by this weird spirit... god... thing." She says
"So why don't you like Millie?" I ask
"I have more reasons to dislike Millie than animals." She says
"Just a lot of sibling rivalry." Millie says
"Wait you two are sisters?"
"Twins actually." They say in unison, "Identical."
"You two have the twin thing." Parker says
"Twin telepathy." Callum says
"We don't have twin telepathy." They say in unison, "That's a complete coincidence."
"What the heck just happened?" Daisy asks
"Anyways," Violet says, "If you guys need any healing or anything I can help."
"Eli, are you gonna open the jar and get your memories or what?" Millie asks
"Yeah, I just need to settle in more because more than half my memories is almost double the amount an average person creates and remembers in a lifetime so it's kinda overwhelming." He says, "Wait, did you call me Eli?"
"Oh yeah... Millie Two." She says
"There's two of you? There's three of us?!" Violet says, "I didn't even like dealing with you and now there's two of you."
"Yeah, Millie Two was kinda a transphobic ass." Millie says, "Sorry about her."
"Not to mention she stripped me of more than half of my memories." Eli says
"No, that was actually me." Millie says, "Again, sorry."
"And on that note I'm gonna go to bed." I yawn.

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