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"I don't see why this is such a big deal." Rose says, "You still unite the kingdoms. Plus it's your choice."
"Not a big deal my ass." Ivy says, "You don't understand."
"You pulled the cliché "You don't understand" card." Rose says, "So now I say, then explain it to me so I can."
"Not everyone's coming out is "We still love you" or "We're so proud of you" and sometimes it's not even "We don't agree with you and this is just a phase" I wish it was that." She says, "You're parents don't look at you and see disappointment, you didn't loose the person who you could trust with your life because you came out, and I'm gonna guess that you still have a seat at the dinner table."
"They already don't approve, just choose who you want." Rose says
"I can't." Ivy says, she pauses for a second, "I just want them to be proud of me."
"You shouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness for your parents' approval."
"Easy for you to say. You can come home in the middle of the night with Reni and fall asleep in each other's arms." She says, "All you have to say is they're scared and you love them and they'll let her sleep with you."
"Don't bring Reni or that night into this." Rose says, "Reni-"
"Wasn't the only person in the entire world to have that happen to them." I say, "I'm sorry that happened to them, I really am, because it sucks and I can say that because I know and I wasn't asleep."
"I think you spilled some self-pity on your throne."
"Oh, I'm the one with self-pity on my throne?" She asks, "At least-"
"Vivie..." Bolt warns her.
"At least I haven't given up." She says. Rose glares at her.
"You have no right to say that." She says sternly, "You have no idea what that's like."
"Oh, I don't?" Ivy says, "I admit, that was a little out of line, but I know exactly what it's like."
"Vivian..." Bolt says
"You know that if you die the throne goes to your brother which your fine with because he's responsible." Ivy says, "Don't tell me that you don't tell yourself that you have a way out when things get rough because I know you do."
"Vivian you're way out of line." Siri says
"Wait, you've been in my head?" Rose asks
"Do you know what getting hurt does to you?" Ivy asks, "I can't go out by myself because that night is all I can think about. I can't have a girls night with my friends without thinking on my parents' disappointed faces and the sting on my shoulders. I've completely forgotten how to trust people so if you don't want me in your head you should put up better guards."
"At those times I'm irrational. I think about things I usually don't but you have no right to use that against me." Rose says
"Oh, and you haven't used my irrational thoughts against me?" Ivy says, "You've use almost everyone here's irrational thoughts against them."
"That's not true!"
"Bolt?" She looks at Rose before nodding, "Siri? Sapphire? Eli?" The three of them nod.
"It might not've been on purpose but that doesn't dismiss the fact you did it." Eli says
"I hate to interrupt this wonderful conversation but Ivy's mom is gonna be home soon." Ivy looks at all of us before disappearing. We all just stand there for a second.
"Bolt, did you know about that?" Ari asks breaking the silence.
"I overheard her talking about PTSD or something a while ago plus she has panic attacks and it's hard to gain her trust but I didn't know what happened." She says


"This is super sketchy." Eli says
"What if this is a setup?" Alex looks around, "B, did you actually see the mark on the Phantom's arm.
"Yeah." She says over the com.
"And did you scan if that was a forged mark?"
"Shit." Everyone's shield goes up.
"It's too late, you're surrounded." Will says
"Ok, how do we get out?" I ask
"Uh... fight your way through?"
"You're not gonna win if you fight your way through." Ursa says
"Well then can some of you come down here and help us out?" Alex asks
"It takes a lot of people to remove someone's powers." Ursa says, "It's no big deal, we're only trying to save Greta, Scott, and everyone who could be shadowed in the future."
"Ok, we get it." Eli says, "How do we get out."
"Can you guys blast?" Liam asks
"You wanna know the problem with sending Guardians from different kingdoms? The only way their blasts will work together is if every Guardian alive combines them." Alex says
"I don't know how powers work." He says
"They're waiting for you guys to come out." Bolt says, "You can't teleport out, they have a block up." Eli looks around for a second.
"I have to use the flower spirit." Eli says, "Parker, do you still have your moon spirit?"
"No, I used it during a fight." He says
"Damn, ok." Eli says, "You guys go, I'll hold them back."
"Elliott, that's an entire army." Bolt says
"I know." He says, "Spirit, go free." A flower spirit appears.
"Teleport blocks have a range of ten feet, once you get out teleport back to HQ." Ursa says, "I can sense a Phantom power up so I'll warn you, you just have to watch out for quick shots."
"You have to remember, you don't have any powers until you're outside the block." Ari says
"Shields down and run on go." Eli says. We all put our shields down.

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