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"Alexandra! Alexandra!" I sigh and stop walking.
"What do you want Harrison?" I ask, "And Alex is not short for Alexandra, that's my sister."
"It's also not short for Alexander, that's my brother." I say, "I'm just Alex."
"Wow, your parents like the name Alex." He says
"Yeah, they like the name Alex for the kids they don't think are disappointments." I say, "What do you want Harrison?"
"Uh, I'm writing a paper about what it's like to be the... what it's like to grow up with Mr and Mrs Falton." He says
"So you go to the one child they never talk about?" I ask
"You're the only one I could find easily." He says
"Yeah, that's because I'm not off being as famous as the royal family themselves." I say
"I just wanted to ask you a couple questions." He says
"Harrison, my family is a sensitive subject." I say
"Sorry but I-"
"Harrison, I'm really busy." I say
"I said no!" I turn around and impulsively shoot a fireball at him.
"Shit, I'm so sorry!" I look around urgently before running into the nearest ally and teleporting back home.

My phone rings.
"What do you want Alexandra?" I ask
"Nice to hear from you too, sis."
"Brother." I say
"Right, sorry." She says, "You're still going around thinking you're-"
"Just because Mom and Dad don't like it doesn't mean you have to as well." I say
"I have my own opinions." She says
"Which are influenced my the people who pay for your every need." I say. She sighs.
"I didn't call to fight." She says
"That's new." I say
"Oh my god Cara can you stop being a stubborn ass for just one second?!" There's a beat of silence, "Sorry, I didn't mean to, it just slipped. I'm-"
"It's fine." I sigh, "What do you want?"
"Harrison Kilroy." She says, "He was recently hospitalized with major burns on his chest and arms."
"This is getting out of control Alex." She says, "First it's saying that you're not my little sister, then it's telling me you can shoot fire from your hands and now you're attacking people?" She says
"I didn't hurt him on purpose." I say, "I-"
"Was annoyed." She says, "You need to learn to control your anger instead of taking it out on people."
"Mom and Dad weren't really great at teaching me that." I say
"They still loved you." She says
"Tell that to my formerly broken ribs, and bruised arms." I say, "Is that all you want?"
"I- there's these group meetings for people who can't control their emotions-"
"I don't need anger management classes." I say
"Alex, you attacked pretty much your only friend!" She says
"He is not my only friend! He's not even my friend!" I say
"Alex, where are you?" Ari asks
"I gotta go." I say, "Don't call me."
"Alex-" I hang up.
"What up Ari?" I ask
"We might've gotten something on Parker's location." She says
"I'll be right over." I say


"Where's the Eternal Crew?" Daffodil asks
"They had a Phantom issue." Ursa says
"And we're here?"
"We may have the same goal-"
"Save Parker and get to the Source!"
"Yes... but we're still different units." She says, "They'll call in if they need help."
"Daisy can you-" I take off my headphones.
"We know you've been listening." Daffodil says
"Not really." I say, "I'm doing research for a school project." I unplug my headphones and my music starts playing.
"Oh I forgot you're still in school." Jesse says
"How are you doing research for a music project?" Jay asks
"We have to listen to a certain type of music and write a song that fits in it." I say, "So what do you need?"
"Listen to this." Ari says. She plays an audio, a series of beeps plays.
"I hate that noise!" Skye shouts from another room.
"You've mentioned!" Alex says
"P-T-O-W-C-17." I say
"Phantom base C17." Chase says
"Ok, here's another one." She plays another audio.
"That one just says; Bring Snow." I say. Greta, Chase and Ursa all freeze and look at each other.
"What does that mean?" Grey asks
"I'm Snow." Ursa says
"Hey guys." The Eternal Guardians appear.
"I figured out the coordinates." Skye walks in.
"Where's Siri?" Andy asks walking in after her.
"The hospital." Perry says. We all look at her.
"They didn't tell me much since I'm from another kingdom." She says. Jay types furiously for a second.
"Sirius Jackson." He says, "Hospitalized for... oh..."
"What?" Perry teleports over to him and looks over her shoulder. She stares at the screen for a second before disappearing.
"What?" Luna asks
"It's nothing." Jay says
"She's my defender, I think-" Jay signs something.
"Oh." She stands there for a second.
"So how do we get Parker out?" She asks
"Fight our way in, get him, fight or just get out." Chase says, "Easy enough."
"Famous last words." Liam says
"He's right." Stella says
"Ugh, it's on my arm now too." Ursa complains.
"You are surprisingly calm for someone who's dying." I say.
"It's not the first time this's happened." She shrugs, "It's just the first time it's happened this way."
"What else does this virus effect?" Ari asks
"It'll spread to each part of the body slowly and once it's completely taken over that part it'll stop working." Chase says, "That's how it kills the "victim." It makes its way to your heart."
"That's a bit... brutal." Scott says
"We're Phantoms. We're literally cold blooded." Ursa says
"Actually, Phantoms aren't cold blooded or warm blooded." Greta says
"Yeah, we-"
"Nerd 1 and Nerd 2, shut up."
"Which one of us is Nerd 1?" Chase asks
"Yessss!" Greta says
"Wait, why?"
"Because I like her more."
"I'm joking... kinda."
"Can I go now?" I ask, "I have a thing to work on."
"Can you and Alex decode this?" Ari sends me a file.
"Yup." I sigh.

"Think you can actually focus on this?" Alex asks
"Sorry that I need good grades so I can support myself." I say, "It must be nice to have rich in famous parents."
"It must be nice to have parents who support you." He says. I laugh a little.
"You really wanna have a fight about who's parents are crappier?"
"At least you had one."
"Who took advantage of the fact that I could sing and put me on every singing competition that's ever existed." I say
"At least she wanted something for you." He says, "I've never actually herd you sing."
"Because I control people when I sing." I say, "Well, not exclusively when I sing but it it's more effective that way."
"Like, mind control?" He asks
"Punch yourself lightly." I say. She punches herself in the arm.
"Ok, less cool. Only because I don't like being controlled." I smirk.
"Ok we should actually work on decoding this before Ari yells at us." I say

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