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{A Time Skip because Nothing Happens}

"Food." A tray of food appears in front of me.
"I told you, I'm not gonna eat animal food." I say
"You've had plenty of chances to eat it when you were an animal." He says
"Yeah well I'm to busy trying to get out of here." I say, "Animals don't like being confined."
"Yeah I know," He says, "You were pretty mad when I tried to watch you up close."
"Because I'm trapped with food so shitty even my wolf form doesn't want to eat it." I say, "If you're trying to break you then congrats, you broke the wild girl, just please let me go home."
"Go back to your forest?" He says, "Are there people near it?"
"At least give me some decent food." I say, "Animals tend to get more aggressive when they're hungry and then I might just be as dangerous as you think."
"All species have a will to survive." He says, "They get desperate and use what they have." I look at him.
"That's sick." I say
"You're an animal." He says
"And you're a kidnapping scientist who doesn't feed his living experiments," I say, "I know which one I'd rather be."
"I'll let you out when I know you're not dangerous." He says
"Oh yeah, I'm not a threat when I'm dead." I say. He get up and walks over to the glass.
"You're trying to scare me." He says
"I don't need to try, I already do." I say, "That's why I'm here."
"You might've before, but now you're weak." He says
"Just because I'm weak doesn't mean I can't hurt you." I say
"You can't shapeshift when you don't have enough energy." He says, "You haven't gone wild in a while."
"I'd rather be wild then starving." I turn into wolf and run over to the glass.
"You actually waste more energy shapeshifting which doesn't really help you in your current situation." He says. I switch back and stare at him.
"All I'm asking for is a hamburger or something." I say. He turns and starts walking out.
"Wait! Please don't leave I-" The door slams shut.

"Violet! Violet!" A muffled voice says. I open my eyes and look around, everything if blurry.
"Vi, it's ok, we're gonna get you out of here." I look up at her.
"No, save your energy." She say
"It's all clear." Someone else says. She puts me on her back and teleports out of the room. They run down the hall and into another room.
"Oh my god, Violet."
"Is everyone here?" Millie asks
"Yeah." They all teleport away.
"We need food." Rose says. Someone hands me a sandwich. I sniff it and eat it quickly.
"Can you shapeshift?" Millie asks, "We need to see if your other form is ok." I shake my head.
"Ok, it's ok." She says
"The next town isn't too far." Someone says.
"Ok, just hold on." Millie says


Millie puts Violet one one of the beds.
"Will she be ok?" Stella asks
"Hopefully." Rose says. Daisy walks back in with a plate of food.
"Jeez, what'd they do to you?" Rain says
"His name was Jason." She says weakly, "They just watched me."
"What happened here?" Eli points to a big gash on her arm.
"One of them came in while I was wild." She says, "I almost killed him."
"So they hurt you?" Honey says
"Either that or I'd hurt him."
"Eat and get some sleep." Auni says.
"How long was I there?" She asks
"Six days." Eli says
"Honesty is the best policy."
"Is that what you told yourself when you lied to us about being born in the kingdoms?" Alex asks
"Are you still on that?" Ari asks
"Yes, I am." They say, "I-"
"That's enough." Luna says, "This isn't the Ari and Alex show and we have more important things to focus on so I suggest working out whatever is happening between you two or dealing with it somewhere where we don't have to listen to it."
"Lu that's a bit-"
"If not then we'd have to listen to them arguing all the time." She says
"Fine." Alex says
"Liam, can you get security footage from where Vi was?" Millie asks
"Uh, probably." He says
"So what now?" I ask
"You guys can go do things, I'll stay with V." Millie says. A loud scream plays from Liam's computer.
"So I got something." He says
"We figured from the screams." I look over his shoulder at the video playing on his screen.
"Millie are you sure you want to see this?" I ask
"Is my sister in it?"
"... Yes..."
"Then yes, I do." She watches the video and looks at Violet, "Reni you wanna kill someone from me?"
"Millie..." Violet says, "Mi, it's fine."
"For once in your life Millie, stay out of it." She winces and curls back up.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Millie asks
"Because I knew you'd respond like this!" She says
"Ok, we'll talk about this later." Rose says, "Violet needs to get some rest."

"Are you feeling better?" I hand her a smoothie, "Ivy made it."
"A little." Violet says, "Thanks."
"So how much do you remember?" I ask, "Of the-"
"I remember most of it." She says, "Towards the end it's a bit hazy because-"
"Lack of food, yeah." I say, "The video wasn't that clear, do you remember what they did?"
"I don't really remember." She says, "Sorry, I'll tell you if I do."
"That's ok."
"What'd Millie do?" She asks
"What do you mean?"
"Millie's very protective and she'll do anything to protect her family and friends," She says, "She'll throw away everything she believes in. Did she hurt anyone?"
"She was close to hurting Eli when her told her to wait to get you," I say, "But she refused to hurt anyone, she just teleported in and got you."
"Ash." Rose says, "What'd I say about letting her sleep?"
"I was bringing smoothies." I say
"And then stayed to talk." She says
"Yeah I know." She says, "Just finish up." I look at her.
"Sorry about Rose."
"Hey!" Violet laughs.
"Thanks." She yawns.
"I'll let you get some rest." I say, "Feel better."

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