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"The Fire Guardians have arrived!" Flames burst out of the ground and all the Guardians cheer. I walk around greeting my friends.
"Princesses." I say walking up to Ivy and Bolt.
"Hey Reni." Bolt says, "How's it going?"
"Good, how're you?" I ask
"Doing ok." She says
"You guys still caught up in that royal duties shit?" I ask
"Yup." Ivy groans.
"That stinks." I say
"Yeah." Bolt says, "How's stuff at home?"
"Not getting any better." I say, "I almost have enough to move out."
"I wish I could help." Ivy says
"It's fine, you have your own stuff." I say, "Well, I'll leave you guys to it."
"See you later." I wave and walk away.

"Hey Reni." A familiar accent says, I turn around.
"Hey Scott." I say, "How's life?"
"Pretty good." He says
"That's good." I say, "You know you're still wearing the contact?"
"Oh." He takes it out revealing the eye that matches his charm, "I've gotten so used to wearing it."
"I just don't even care anymore." I shrug, "I blend in and keep my head down."
"It's a little different with a rainbow eye."
"That's true." I say. Someone shouts from across the hall. Scott and I walk over to where everyone else is.
"What's going on here?" Siri steps between Chase, Greta, and Ursa and Liam, Will, and Em.
"What're they doing here?" Ursa asks
"They're Guardians." I say, "What're you doing here, Phantoms?"
"Every kingdom has Guardians, the Phantom Kingdom is still a kingdom." Greta says, "And they're hardly Guardians, they don't even have powers."
"They're better Guardians than you." Siri says. Ursa shoves her out of the way. Siri falls and gasps in pain.
"You guys have been fighting against the Phantoms all this time and all we need to do was shove you and you'd be down?" Chase smirks.
"She has broken ribs and Phantom blood is taking over her you dumbass." Grey says. Siri gets up, leaning against her familiar.
"Are you ok?" Stella asks her.
"Yeah." A dark orb forms in her hand.
"Siri, no." Luna says. She throws the orb, it hits Ursa. She stumbles back and stands back up, her sword appears in her hand. I stand in front of Ursa, my sword appears.
"Please, I don't want to fight you." She scoffs.
"Afraid you'll loose? Is that why you want fight the one Guardian here that's been weakened by your people?" I say, "There's thirty-seven other guardians here."
"Fine then." She swings her sword, I block it with my own.
"Both of you, break it up!" Alex shoves is apart. "The gala is held so the Guardians can can get away from fighting!" Ari shouts, "All of you are ruining this! Siri, are you ok?" She breathes heavily. My sword disappears.
"Fine." I say, "But if you even touch another Guardians I will-"
"Renegade!" Rose says sternly.
"I outrank you in every way possible." Ursa says.
"Right, sorry you majesty." I bow and roll my eyes, "In case you forgot, rank doesn't matter here so your stupid little crown means just was much as my knives."
"Our crowns may not matter here, but they still exist." Chase says
"My crown still exists as well." Ivy says
"So does mine." Bolt stands next to her.
"Oh, and mine." Rose waves her hand and her crown appears on her head.
"Four other Guardians are also royal here." I say, "You're three little crowns mean nothing."
"Ok, tonight has been a lot of fun but, uh, it's getting... late...? Yeah." Grey says. Kingdom by kingdom, everyone teleports away.


"I was right, you guys owe my three dollars." Callum tells Scott and Lauren. Liam adds another tally to the whiteboard.
"That's a total of five years someone started a fight at the gala." He says, "The fourth year it was the Phantoms and also the fourth year it was because we don't have powers."
"You guys have powers." Shelby says
"Uncontrollable, pretty useless ones." Will says
"I mean, Em can see the future." Scott says
"I can't control when, where, or what I see." She says. The big screen turns on and a call plays.
"Guardians, we need help at the Lightning Kingdom!" C shouts. The call ends.
"It's been three minutes." We put on our masks and teleport to the Lightning Kingdom.

We appear in the circle with the rest of the Guardians.
"Where are you powerless friends?" Ursa asks, "After all, they are Guardians." Reni's sword appears.
"Not now Reni." Rose says. We all teleport over to where the other Guardians are.
"Phantoms! Stand down!" Chase shouts.
"We are no longer loyal to you." One of the Phantoms says, they all stop and look at us.
"We no longer see you as our rulers." Another one says, "We have been given orders by a worthy ruler to eliminate all Guardians."
"Including you." The first one says. A beam flies out of nowhere and hits Skye. Everyone puts up their shields.
"Are you ok?" Ivy asks. Skye gets up holding her shoulder.
"Yeah." She says. A blast hits and everyone's shield is left shattered. 
"Ok, let's go." Reni runs forward, a fireball appears in their hand.
"Renegade!" They block an incoming beam with their fireball.
"Stupid little-" Rose mumbles the last part and runs after them.
"Look out!" Buddy appears. We dive out of the way as a beam hits.
"Ok, I guess we're going now." My now appears and I shoot at some Phantoms clearing the path for the rest of the Guardians. Shadows pop up around me and lunge forward as well.

Bolt screams and flies back, slamming into a rock.
"Bolt!" Ivy teleports over to her, a shield forms around them.
"Is everyone ready to blast?" Ari asks
"Lizzie, look out!" Liam says over my com. Buddy and I jump out of the way. My bow turns into a sword and I swing it at the group of Phantoms.
"Ready!" I call. Siri goes flying and hits the ground.
"Siri!" Grey shouts. Everyone activates their charms, the blast knocks out the Phantoms. We teleport to the circle.

Is everyone ok? Who's been hit?" Ari asks.
"Bolt and Siri." Grey says
"Guys, this is spreading." Skye looks at her shoulder.
"I've been hit." Callum takes his hand off his stomach, his shirt is soaked in purple blood.
"Wait, where's Scott?" Chase asks. We all look around.
"Is he still there?" Chase disappears.
"How're Siri and Bolt?" Shelby asks
"Alive." Ivy says, "Healing isn't working and our powers haven't regenerated yet." Chase appears with Scott.
"He's been hit." He says.
"Everyone to main HQ." Ari says. We teleport back to our kingdom.

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