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"Anything yet?" Ivy asks
"Nope." Bolt says
"Rose, you're turn." I say. She activates a charm and holds out her hand. We wait for a second.
"It's not working." She holds out her other hand and tries.
"It ok." Auni says, "Eli." He activates a charm and holds out his hand.
"Anything yet?" Ivy asks.
"A little something." She says. Sapphire goes.
"What about now?"
"Yeah." She says, "Do we really have to do this?"
"Yeah." Ivy says, "You need to get used to walking again before you're completely healed." She flies out of her chair and leans against the bar.
"Wings." Stella says. She folds her wings gripping the bars tightly.
"Yeah, no." She unfolds her wings and disappears.
"Damn it." Eli says
"Can we go now?" C asks
"Yeah." Ivy says, "I'll find Bolt."

We walk back to Lizzie's house.
"Huh?" Scott looks around.
"What?" We all look behind us.
"I thought I saw something." He says
"There's nothing giving of energy around." I say. We all look around again before practically running back to Lizzie's house.

"We have all Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Frozen, and a ton of other Disney movies." Lizzie says. She lays the all out on the table. Buddy hisses.
"Buddy and Starlord, stop it." Lizzie says. Star runs over to me and curls up in my lap. Buddy walks by.
"Mouse." She hisses.
"Hey!" I say, "Apologize." Buddy hisses something back.
"Buddy language!" Lizzie says.
"I made popcorn!" Callum walks in holding a bowl of popcorn.
"We're probably gonna need more than one bowl." I say
"This is all I could find." He says. His familiar appears and the bowl appears in front of her.
"Lily!" All the familiars crowd around the bowl.
"There goes the popcorn." Em says
"Or, you know, you can use your powers." Will says, "Just summon some."
"Oh yeah, Scott-" We all look around.
"Where's Scott?"
"You can't see him, He's right there." Starlord says. Dexter says something to Lauren.
"Scott's here?" We all look around.
"He's right in front of you." Star says
"Uh, Scott, do something if you're here." I say. The bowl falls off the couch.
"So, uh, why can't we see him?" Callum asks
"He doesn't know." Star says
"Can you make this easier and let people hear you for a this?" I ask
"That's against familiar policy." She says
"It's only for a bit."
"Fine." She looks at everyone, "Hey."
"Uh hey."
"So what do we do about Scott?" Lauren asks. I draw a symbol in front of me.
"Em can you activate this?" She slams her hand against it and Scott appears.
"Guys-" He disappears again.
"That wasn't helpful." Will says
"Uh, is waiting until tomorrow when everyone is at HQ to figure this out a good option?" Em asks. We all look in different directions.
"He's in front of Callum." Star says, we all look in Callum's direction.
"Are you ok with that?" Lizzie asks
"He's a little annoyed because his only way to communicate with you guys is "a cat" but he says it's fine." She says, "And I'm more than just a cat."


"You two are in so much trouble." Mother says
"Mom I-"
"Save it Vivian." She says, "You are a princess, you're going to rule a kingdom some day. When are you going to grow up?"
"I am grown up." I say
"It's your royal duty to marry the prince and unite the kingdoms."
"To unite the kingdoms I have to marry royalty from the Lightning Kingdom." I say
"The princess-"
"The princess is royalty." I say
"So you sneak around and- and-"
"I get it mom!"
"I don't think you do!" She says, "And the princess? Really?"
"Mom!" I say, "Just tell me, is she gonna get it trouble?"
"I don't know." She says, "But you are."
"You snuck behind my back with the sister of the man you are going to marry who can't even walk." She says, "Of course you are in trouble."
"I'm not breaking and parts of the agreement." I say, "I marry an heir to the Lightning Kingdom's throne and our kingdoms are united."
"But Prince Alexander-"
"Is a homophobic ass who don't respect personal space!"
"Vivian language!" She says
"Sorry, do you need me to say that in French?" I ask
"Go to your room." She says sternly, "Stay there until I tell you that you can leave."
"Ugh."I get up and walk out.
"Daffodil, stay here." She says

"Wow, you're alive." Bolt says
"So are you." I say. We kiss for a second.
"Hey, other people are here too." Jesse says
"What'd you guys do this time?" Ari asks, "I regret asking that."
"We got in trouble for breaking rules that technically weren't broken." I say, "But it was a hundred percent worth it."
"Ew." Eli says
"E, we're not five anymore." Bolt says
"Ok ok, I regret asking." Ari says, "Moving on, we cannot see Scott."
"He's right there!" Grey says
"No he's not." Bolt says
"Wait I'm still confused." Bea says
"Oh Bea, you poor, sweet, innocent child."
"I'm older than you!" She says
"How do we explain this without making this book inappropriate?" Lilly asks
"What? Book?"
"Sixty-nine." Eli says
"Elliott!" Ari says
"What? Lilly asked." He says
"Ok, moving on." Ari says, "Some of us can see Scott and some of us can't."
"So Scott's invisible?" I say
"To most of us." Perry says
"Ok, who can see him, raise you hand." I say.
"What're we, seven?" Ursa asks
"I'm not in the mood right now just raise your fucking hand." I say
"And Phantoms are the mean ones." She mumbles
"Yeah... they are." Bolt says
"So the Phantoms and the people with shadow powers can see him." Skye says
"Hey, did anyone try a revealing spell?" Andy asks
"It's art magic that none of us know and Shelby can't activate it." Lizzie says
"Everyone who knows art magic can't activate it." Auni says, "It requires a lot of skill." We all look at Rose.
"I can try, my magic has been acting out since my arm." She draws a symbol, activates a charm, and hits it.
"Ow, damn that hurts."
"Well that's not an option." Alex say
"Remind me to ask about the whole hurting thing after we can see Scott." River says
"Kay, I'm sure I won't." She says. My phone rings.
"Shit, that's my mom." I say, "She's home earlier than I thought."
"Well, see you guys next year." I walk out.

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