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[Entry One]


Callum and I dive out of the way as a Phantom bean hits where we just were. I create a dome around us as Callum charges up a fire ball.
"Ready." He says. I let down my shield and duck as her throws the fire into a swarm of Phantoms.
"Scott! Callum!" Lizzie appears and tosses each of us a charm, "Energy charms." Callum creates a dome as I activate my charm and I do the same as he activates his.
"Scott we need a time freeze!" Lauren calls. She swings her sword and knocks out the surrounding shadows.
"I'm working on it!" An orb appears in my hands, I collect energy for a second before smashing it against the ground. Everything around us freezes and I'm left tired from using a lot of energy.
"That should be enough time." Shelby says. Everyone summons their charms and attaches them to their jewel holder.
"Everyone ready?" Lizzie asks
"We have to hurry." I say, "It's running out." "Ok, go!" We all activate our charms. A blast knocks out the remaining Phantoms.
"Is everyone ok?!" Shelby calls as the dust clears.
"Yeah." We all gather under the bridge.
"This is the third time this week." Callum says
"They're getting stronger and the solstice is in a couple days." Lauren says
"We have to stop wasting energy, we need it to keep our powers working." Shelby says
"And we need to come up with a different way to hold them off while we get our charms besides time freezes." I say, "I can't keep doing those and that one only lasted a few seconds."
"That too." Lizzie says, "Everyone back to the base...

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