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I jump from one Guardian's head to another until I land in his.
"Hello? Anyone here?" I look around. Memories float by like normal but some of them are still, frozen in purple.
"Scott!" I call, "Are you here?!" I run through the maze of memories. As I get farther from the center of his head more memories appear frozen.
"Scott!" I keep looking, "Don't be dead, don't be dead."
"Chase, what're you doing?" I hear Ursa ask.
"I'm trying to find Scott." I say
"Why?" She asks
"Because I... I can't explain." I say, "Either help me or leave."
"Fine." There's a beat of silence.
"I didn't actually mean leave." I say quietly.
"Three rows down the the left." She says, "That'll get you out of the memories." I run down the rows of memories and take a left.
"Now what?" I ask
"Are you in a hall filled with doors." She asks
"Yeah." I look at all the different colored doors.
"Go to the very end, in the door on the right." I run down the long hall and open the door.
"I don't know what's past that, you're on your own." She says.
"Ok.. thanks." I look around the room. It's completely empty and it looks like it's miles long.
"Scott!" I yell, "Scott are you here?!" I walk farther into the room.
"Scott?!" Scott appears from the blankness.
"Oh thank god you're alive." I say. We run back in the direction I came from. The doorway is purple.
"We have to hurry." I say
"What's happening?" He asks
"You need to get out of here." We run down the long hall and back into the maze of memories.
"Woah." He looks around, "So this is my head?"
"Yeah." I say, "Now hurry." We push pass frozen memories to the center.
"I can hop out of here but you need to get yourself out." I say, "Do you know how to do that?"
"Ok, um..." I take his hand and try to jump into someone else's head.
"C'mon, work with me here." I mumble. I try again but nothing happens.
"Just go." He says
"What? No." I say, "All you have to do is disconnect your consciousness from your mind. It's basically-"
"You have to go." He says, "Hurry." The purple completely surrounds us.
"I'll figure it out." He says, "Go."
"Fine, but if you die I'm gonna kill you." I jump out of his head.
"Where is he?" Ursa asks
"I couldn't pull him out, he has to get himself out." I say.
"He has less than a minute to get out." Luna says. Rose activates a charm and puts her hand over his wrist.
"What're you doing?" Shelby asks
"Buying him time." She says
"We've already tried that." Eli says.
"No, that actually worked." Stella says. Rose does it again.
"Rose you're gonna pass out." Ash says. She does it again, purple spreads down her leg.
"Rose stop." Sapphire says. She backs up breathing heavily.
"That should give him some more time."
"Give me your arm." I say. She rolls up her sleeve, purple spreads through her arm.
"I know it's not good." She says.
"What?" Ash asks
"Phantom is spreading through me from my arm." She says, "To give Scott more time to get out, I took some of the Phantom invading him and transferred it to myself."
"Rose you idiot." Alex says, "You're our healer, we can't have you going Phantom!"
"I'd rather have it be me than him." She says
"We can't explain a dead princess." Dragon says, "Your an only child."
"And that makes me more important than him?" She says, "We've always said rank doesn't matter when we're here."
"Rose-" She get up and walks out.
"Guys, Scott's waking up." C says


"You're a good shot." Rain walks in, her bow appears in her hand.
"I have a lot of time." I say
"Can you rapid fire?" She shoots three arrows, one right after the other, I do the same.
"Not bad." She says
"You're not too bad yourself." I say jokingly.
"I'm a Guardian Archer." She says, "I kinda have to be good."
"Oh yeah." I shoot another round of arrows.
"You don't seem too focused on your lack of powers." She says
"I have other things to focus on." I say
"You have a strong magic aura." She says, "Strong will, strong aura. What're you focused on?"
"Finding my friend." I say
"Oh I heard about him. Zachary, right?"
"Zach or Graser." I say
"Zachary Graser." She thinks for a second, "He was in the hospital for a while, he got moved somewhere else and he pretty much disappeared, yeah?"
"Yeah." I say, "How'd you know that?"
"I've memorized a ton of files." She says, "He's one of them."
"Good to know." She watches me shoot another arrow.
"Are you sure that's not magic?" She asks
"Dampen magic energy on." She says, "Shoot." I shoot at the target and just barely miss the center.
"Huh." I shoot again, it hits the center.
"Even if you don't have archery powers you generate energy when you shoot." She says, "That's always helpful."
"Yeah." We shoot in silence for a couple seconds, "What, you said you memorized a ton of files, why?"
"It's good information." She says, "I used to work in law enforcement so I had access to them."
"You did?" She nods.
"I got fired after getting arrested for assault." She says
"More like self-defense but I didn't have any proof so it was filed under assault. It's a long story."
"Also, Zach or whatever you call him is in the Lightning Kingdom." She says, "I'll ask Bolt about in next time I see her."
"The Lightning Kingdom." I say, "Oh yeah, where is Bolt anyways?"
"Her parents have watching her carefully, they don't want her to get hurt again." She says
"That's reasonable." I say, "How's Rose?"
"I dunno, she teleported away, got rid of her tracker, and blocked her head from us."
"She's a princess, it shouldn't be that hard to find her."
"When she doesn't want to be found she can't be found." She says, "Our only change of finding her is Reni who's not in the right state of mind to look for her right now."
"What about her familiar?" I suggest, "One familiar can find another."
"That's-" Jay appears.
"O-Oh sorry, I-I didn't know you guys were in here." He disappears.
"I'll be back." She disappears as well.

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