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"Let them out!" I say
"I didn't think you'd care." They say
"Of course I do," I say, "She's gonna get hurt."
"That's her decision." They say.
"Well not everyone makes good decisions, do we?" Ivory says, "Let them out."
"What are you gonna do about it, little drunk girl?" Ivory's sword appears.
"There's a lot I can do," She says, "Wanna see?"
"Ivory, calm down." Ari says
"Violet!" Millie says. She teleports back out.
"Are you done?" Keeper asks
"Not until she's out."
"You Guardians are so stupid." They say, "You can easily leave, but instead you risk your life for a wolf pretending to love you."
"Guys she's turning back." We look into the other room. Violet sits there breathing heavily.
"She's calm again," Millie says, "Let us go."
"That's wasn't the deal." They say, "You can't calm her down, she's wild. I'm not letting that into the world."
"She's not dangerous! She's my sister!"
"And she almost killed you." Keeper says
"Mi, it's fine." Violet says, "Leave, I'll be fine."
"No, that's not an option." She says
"Mi I don't want you getting hurt." She says, "They're right, I almost hurt you."
"Almost, but you didn't." She says. Violet looks up at us.
"Tell her to leave." She says, "Go find the Source, heal everyone, and do whatever you need to do."
"Not without you."
"We've been separated for years," She says, "Why do you refuse to leave now?"
"Because if we do then you become an experiment." She says, "I refuse to believe that if you go wild you'll kill me." Violet looks at Keeper.
"Make them go." She says, "Teleport them away, please."
"As you wish." They say
"Wait-" We appear where we were before.
"So we walk a couple feet or something and it's already night, but we get captured, trapped in our heads, and talk to someone named Keeper and it's noon?" Eli says
"There was a time warp around wherever we were." Em says
"We have to go back." Millie says, "We have to get Violet."
"We can't just rush in there." Eli says
"But Violet-"
"She'll be fine for a couple hours." C says
"You don't know that." Millie says, "If your sister was stuck and people wanted to experiment on her, wouldn't you do anything you could to get her back?"
"I would think it through first, I wouldn't just rush in." He says
"Well I'm not you." She says
"You rushing in could've gotten us all killed, even your sister." Reni says
"You don't have to go with me," She says, "You can continue to go to the source but I'm getting my sister."
"We're willing to go with you as long as we have a plan." Eli says
"I'm not leaving her there."
"You're not leaving her, you're taking longer so you have a better chance of getting her without anyone getting hurt." Perry says
"If you take longer than a week then I go in anyways." She says
"Fine." He says


"So what'd you have to do in the mind escape room?" I ask
"I don't really wanna talk about it..." She says
"Was it that bad?" I ask
"What happened in yours?" She asks
"I'll tell you if you tell me." I say
"Fine." She says
"I had to go through my fears." I say
"Yeah, everyone in your kingdom had to." She says, "You've never told me what your worst fears are."
"Small spaces, feeling weak, ne- and losing you." I say
"What were you gonna say before losing me?" She asks
"Nothing." I say
"There's two things." She says, "Please?"
"I'd never walk again." I say
"What? But you're doing great." She says
"No, I can move them but I can barely even stand." I say
"What was the second one?" She asks
"Being trapped." I say
"Isn't that the same as small spaces?"
"Not physically." I say, "It's like when you had to choose between your parents and you."
"When I had to chose between you and your brother." She says, "There was no way out, I let someone down either way."
"What was in yours?" I ask
"I drank a truth serum and people from my kingdom asked me about what happened." She says
"Which one?" I ask
"Both." She says, "I could almost feel it happening again, the more questions I answered the more they asked." I put her arm around her, she leans on me and cries.
"It's ok, it's over now." I say
"Bolt, maybe I could take over." Honey says
"Ok." I teleport back over to the fire.
"What's up?" I ask
"The sky." C says
"Really? Didn't know."
"I would continue this delightful conversation but it's rude to annoy someone who can't chase after you." She says
"C!" Andy and Skye say in unison. I stand up and stare at her, she stares back.
"Can we not have a war break out in the Lightning Kingdom?" Daisy asks
"I'm not looking for one." I look at C.
"Neither am I." C says, "Sorry."
"You're basically Reni." I say
"I am not!"
"You're stubborn and make comments you know will get you into trouble and just like Reni you need to watch your mouth." I say
"Sorry, I forgot princesses are used to people being nice to them." She says
"This has nothing to do with me being a princess and you know it." I say
"Sorry your highness." She walks away.
"You compared her to me?" Reni says, "It's usually the other way around, 'Why can't you be like C?' 'Stay focused like C?' This is new."
"Now's not the time Reni." I sit back down.
"It's never the time." They say
"Reni..." Alex says warningly.
"Another similarity between C and me," They say, "We're both on a short leash made by our 'leaders.'"

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