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"Can you feel that?" I stroke the bottom of her foot with a pen.
"What about this?" I stroke her ankle.
"No." I stroke her shin and look up at her, "No."
"I detect annoyance your voice." I say putting down my pen.
"Because I'm annoyed." She says, "Why do you guys have to run tests? I can't feel anything."
"What about this." A take a needle and poke her. She shakes her head.
"Ok." I write everything down in the file.
"Can I go now?" She asks
"Not yet." I activate an energy charm and put my hand on her leg.
"What're you doing?" She asks. I pour as much energy as I can into a heal.
"What-" I tap her foot with my pen.
"Wait, I felt that."
"Don't get your hopes up." I say, "It's temporary."
"Then what's the point of even doing it?"
"With enough healing energy you could walk again." I say.
"Like, how much energy?" She asks
"Like, all of our healers's energy combined times, like, four." I say, "So I just gave you one of twenty-eight full energy heals you need to stand." She turns so her legs dangle off the bed. She flies up so her feet touch the ground.
"Can I go now?" She asks
"Yeah." She flies out.
"Healers and Charm Holders, I need you in my office." I call. Everyone appears.
"Charm holders, how many power charms do you have?" I ask. They all look at each other and count for a second.
"Thirty-one." Daisy says.
"I need five to remake Scott's bracelet." Honey says
"We need to get the royalties and the servants back to their kingdoms." Auni says.
"How are we gonna cover up Bolt?" Eli asks
"I don't think we can." I say, "She already refuses braces."
"So what, we just leave her at the place gates like, "Here's your princess, by the way, she's paralyzed from the waste down now!" or what?" Perry asks
"Pretty much." Stella says
"So we're going home?" I ask
"Yeah." Shelby says
"We'll reconvene soon." Rose says.

I appear in my room with Rain.
"Get cleaned up." Rain says. I wash my face and get changed.
"Now what?"
"Uh, you're eye." Rain says
"Oh right." I put in my contact. My door opens and my father walks in.
"Where have you been?" He hugs me.
"I-I had something I needed to take care of." I say
"We have to get you caught up." He says, "We have a lot we need to catch you up on."

I walk into the throne room and sit between my parents, Rain stands behind me.
"There are rumors that a war between the kingdoms." My mother says, "We need allies and the best way to do so is-"
"By marriage." I say, "I understand."
"The Flower and Lightning Kingdoms are uniting and the Sun and Moon Kingdoms are united." My father says, "That leaves the Fire Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom."
"But neither kingdoms have a prince." I say
"We're aware we promised you that you could choose who you marry, but you're a princess and this is your duty." Mother says, "We know where your interests lie."
"You do?" Father places his hand on my shoulder.
"It's ok, we're very proud of you and we love you." Mother nods.
"Uh, can I have some time to think about it?" I ask
"Not much." Father says
"You may go now." I get up and walk out, Rain follows.


"You stop flying, you'll be seen." I say
"I can't walk."
"Get on my back." I say, "Close your eyes, pretend you're asleep or something." She lands on my back.
"What're you gonna do?" She asks
"We have to pretend something happened, that's the only way I can think of to cover you up." I say, "The only way I can do that is reverse the effects of what the healers did to substitute painkillers."
"So this is gonna hurt." She says
"It's gonna hurt a lot." I say, "I'm sorry."
"It's ok, just do it." I wave my hand, different color mists swirl around. Bolt clenches her fist, a bolt of lightning strikes nearby.
"It's ok, calm down." I say. She gasps and tighten her arms around me.
"Honey, Honey..."
"Ok, I'm gonna give you this and you'll fall asleep." I hold up a syringe, "Ok?"
"Yeah." She gasps, "Please." I inject her and she stops.
"Ok, just a little longer." I run to the castle and pound on the doors.
"Honey?" Zire opens the door, "Is that the princess?"
"Come in." He says, "Where have you been?"
"That doesn't matter now." I say, "I need to talk to the king and queen."
"Follow me." We run through the castle to the throne room.
"We have to see the king and queen." Zire says
"They're busy." The guard says.
"I have their unconscious daughter on my back, this is urgent." I say. They nod and open the door.
"Guard, we told you we must remain undisturbed." I bow.
"You Majesties." I say, "I apologize but I have your daughter." I take the princess off my back and hold her in my arms.
"What happened to her?" The king asks.
"She fell very far." I say, "Her spine is damaged but she should be fine." Bolts eyes burst open and she starts breathing heavily.
"Follow us." The queen says.
"It's ok." I say, "We'll be there soon." We turn the corner.
"Honey.." We run into the hospital wing.
"Lay her on this bed." The queen says. I do as I'm told. She holds Bolts hand.
"It'll be ok Sweetie." She says. One of the doctors comes over.
"What happened?" She asks me.
"She fell." I say, "Her spine is damaged and the nerves below her waist have been severed." I try to remember with C said.
"We won't be able to restore her legs." The doctor says.
"Mom.." Bolt says
"It's ok Sweetie." The queen looks at the doctor, "Can you do something about the pain she's in?" The doctor nods and runs off. Bolt stops, her arms fall limply.
"What's wrong?" The queen asks urgently, "Elizabeth! Elizabeth!"
"It ok, she's still alive." I say. The doctor rushes back in and injects her with something.
"That should help for a while." She turns to the queen, "I need you to leave, I would ask her to leave as well but she knows what's happening." The queen nods and walks out.
"Ok, heal her." The doctor says
"Are you a Guardian or not?" She asks, "Heal her."
"I'm not a healer." I say, "I'm a charm holder.
"Then use healing charms." She says. I activate a healing charm and put my hand on her back.
"I can't heal her legs though." I say, "The other healers are working on that."
"The Phantoms are strong." She says
"Sorry, what's you're name again?" She asks
"Honey." I say, "And you are?"
"Yasmin, but everyone calls me Yammy." She says. Bolt wakes up.
"That's better." She says. I activate another healing charm and put my hand on her leg. I do it until I'm left breathless.
"Stop it." She says. I use an energy charm and keep doing it.
"Honey stop it." She pushes me sending me stumbling backwards.
"Honey, it's not good for you to use charms like that." Yammy says
"I don't care." I say, "Bolt, you need your legs, you're our leader."
"Honey that can kill you." Bolt says, "I value your life over my legs."
"Honey, did you and Bolt make it back to the kingdom?" Ivy asks over my com.
"Yeah." I say
"Good, how is she?" Ivy asks
"Fine." I say
"We're meeting at HQ again tomorrow." She says
"Ok." We disconnect.
"I need to go." I say. I teleport back to my room and fall asleep.

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