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"This is weird." I say
"Yeah." Scott says, "Everything is so busy, in the kingdoms it was quiet at night."
"Mhm, it's... different." I say, "All the lights are pretty though. In the Phantom Kingdom there aren't many lights or bright things so this is different."
"The Eternal Kingdom had lights but they weren't colorful like these." He says. We lean out the window in silence for a second.
"When I was younger I'd wonder what it was like outside of the kingdom... or even the castle." I say, "This isn't at all what I imagined."
"Outside of the castle?"
"My father was... strict." I say, "I wasn't allowed outside of the castle until I was fourteen. It would've been longer if I hadn't been caught with one of the servants so he sent me to a... facility."
"Sorry." He says
"Don't be, you didn't do anything." I say
"Can you guys either kiss already or go to sleep?" Greta asks, still half asleep, "You're keeping me up."
"Yeah, sorry." I say. We lean back in and go to sleep.

"Chase!" I'm shaken awake.
"What? Oh..." I rub my eyes and sit up.
"Have a nice night last night?" Greta smirks
"Yes, actually." I say
"No time to sit around and talk about how obvious it is that Chase likes Scott, we have to get ready." Ursa says, "Head downstairs when you're ready."

I head downstairs.
"Elevators take so long." I say, "It's so much easier just to teleport."
"Say it a little louder, I don't think everyone here heard you can teleport." Ursa says. Bea walks in and yawns.
"Morning." She says
"Morning." Auni offers her a box of cereal.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry." She pours herself a cup of coffee, "So how'd everyone sleep."
"Ok." Greta says, "Some people were talking while I was trying to sleep so you know."
"Heh, sorry." I say sheepishly.
"Morning." The Eternals walk in and sit down.
"This coffee is trash." Bea waves her hand and her coffee becomes water.
"We should get get going soon." Lizzie says
"Where's Bolt?" Ivy asks
"Still in the room." Honey says, "She says it's embarrassing to look like a sleeping five
year-old being carried."
"That's Bolt." She says, "Someone go get her, we'll be outside."

"Can you put me down now?" Bolt asks, "We're far enough away from the town."
"Yup." C drops her.
"Ow... what's your problem?" He wolves appear and help her up. 
"Nothing." She says
"They why did you drop me?" She flies next to her.
"You asked me to put you down." She says
"Ok, that's enough." Ivy says, "Shut up before I make you two unable to hear each other."
"Someone's a bit-"
"Shut up." She says
"Ivy-" A dome forms around her.
"Bolt what's up with your girlfriend?" Greta asks
"I don't know." She says, "When she gets like this I kinda just give her space."
"Uhhhh, guys..." Lauren points up. We look up at the pitch black sky.
"That's not good." I say


Ursa and Greta start coughing.
"What's happening?" Scott asks
"The sky is black because of the pure darkness." I say, "Phantoms are the closest thing to pure darkness after pure darkness itself so they're being affected first."
"Then why isn't Chase being affected?" Dragon asks
"Oh no..." He sighs.
"What?" A woman appears. Her hair and eyes are completely black.
"It's been so long my boy." She walks towards us, Chase starts floating over to her.
"Help!" I grab his arm but he's pulled away.
"Chase!" Reni pulls Scott back, "Let this pan out."
"It's been so long dear boy, I thought you would never let me find you." She puts her hands on his crown. The whole thing turns black except the blue jewels.
"I didn't." He says. Clouds of darkness form around us.
"Keep using your powers." I say, "There's a second where we give off pure light energy, just don't let it touch you."
"The world could be yours my boy." She says, "And yet you choose to associate with these people."
"Don't hurt them." Chase says
"I would dream of hurting them." She says, "I'm appalled you think I would stoop that low." She rolls her eyes. Bolt and Rose float over to her.
"What's happening?!" Rose asks
"You two have discarded the gifts that have been given to you." She says, "You seal your gifts with these pathetic things." Rose's arm and Bolt's wings disappear.
"You could be so powerful, and yet you throw that away for an easy life."
"Stop!" Chase falls. We all back away from the darkness as it gets closer.
"It's not working anymore!"
"I've waited years for you to open up to me again." She says, "You sealed me off from your mind."
"There's a reason for that." He says. She waves her hand sending Rose and Bolt crashing onto the ground.
"Ow..." Rose groans
"You could rule the world with me, you could be so powerful, all you have to do is let me in."
"Chase, don't do it!" Ursa says. Dragon shape shifts and let's us onto his back. He flies above the darkness starts glowing.
"Oh... a dragon... that's cool, I guess." She says, "Hm... he will do." Scott floats off of Dragon and in front of her and Chase.
"I could just touch this boy and darkness would spread through him like his blood." She says, "Or you could tell me to stop, and five simple words after that and all of your friends will be fine." Darkness surrounds Scott.
"Chase we can just-"
"I'll go with you." He says, "Just don't hurt my friends."
"Good choice." She waves her hand and Scott lands. She walks over to Chase.
"Promise to the dark?" She smiles.
"I promise." His eyes turn completely black.
"Chase-" All of the darkness disappears including the woman and Chase.
"No!" Ursa teleports to where Chase was, "Chase! Chase, come back!"
"Can someone explain what just happened?" River asks
"The Lady King of Darkness." Eli says, "She controls all of the darkness in the world, Chase is her son."
"The son will rise to darkness and cast the world in an eternal shadow." I say, "But that's just a legend."
"In the legend the son is a half-blood, half darkness and half creatures of the night."
"Phantoms." Greta says, "Creatures of the night is another name for Phantoms."
"Chase is the son of the Lady King of Darkness." Eli says

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