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Bolt flies in.
"They work!" She calls
"Hey, you're flying again." Honey says, "Congrats." She lands on her desk.
"It hasn't even been that long but I missed flying." She says.
"I'm back." Skye appears
"How was school?" Eli asks walking in.
"Shitty." She says
"Wait, you didn't leave with the bruise." C says
"It's fine." She puts her hand over it, "I have a lot of homework to do."
"Hey, does anyone have any colors besides black and purple?" Bolt walks in holding Ursa's nail polish, "I usually use Ivy's but she's not here."
"You look fancy." Honey says, "Love the suit, where are you going?"
"Sophie's graduation." He says, "I'm pretty sure she won an award or something."
"I have dark blue." River says
"Ask Chase, he has a lot." Greta says
"Great, thanks." He walks out out.
"Cue Ivy in three... two... one..." Ivy appears.
"Hey." She says
"Hey, are you ok?" Bolt asks
"Yeah." She says, "You cut your hair."
"I did." She says, "Like it?"
"Yeah, it's cute." She says
"So the Source," Skye says, "Another mission report came in and we need to get to the Source as possible."
"Well, we know where it is." Andy says
"We'd need to get Siri first." Perry says, "I could probably get her back here by tomorrow."
"Ok, then we go to the Source." Skye says
"Is that all I'm needed for?" I ask, "I have plans."
"Yeah, you can go." Ari says

"Hello Guardian." I stop.
"Who are you?" I turn to face them.
"Show your real self, Guardian."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say
"Don't play dumb with me." They say, "You think you're so powerful, strutting around like you're the queen. Show yourself, Guardian."
"I do not think I'm the queen and I am not a Guardian." I say.
"I gave you a chance Guardian." They run at me. Impulsively I duck under them and send vines after them, my disguise falls.
"You're the fighter." They say. I run at them, my sword appears.
"Woah, wait-" Everything fades away besides them, they glow red.
"Ok, calm down. I'm sorry-" I swing rapidly at them.
"You're insane." They disappear.
"Lilly, you did it again." I stop, everything appears again.
"I know." I say breathlessly.
"Are you ok?" Daisy asks
"Yeah." My disguise goes back up.
"Are you in control?"
"Yeah." I sigh, "I'm heading back home now."
"Ok, stay safe."
"I will." I teleport back home.

"Hey Sweetie, how was your day?" Max asks
"Pretty boring." I change back to my normal appearance.
"You're adorable with pink hair." They say, "And with blonde hair. You're just always cute."
"You know I'm already your girlfriend, you don't have to awkwardly ask me on a date and hope I like you again." I say jokingly.
"I know." They laugh, "How was your day boring? You and your friends have powers."
"It's not as exciting as you think." I say, "But I was attacked in an alleyway."
"Exciting." They say
"And dangerous." They add, "Are you ok? Did you stay in control?"
"I'm fine." I sit no extra to them, "I lost control but it wasn't as bad as usual." I lean against them.
"So how is everyone?" They ask
"Good." I say, "We got a mission to go to this place, I don't know how long I'll be gone."
"But you're coming back?"
"Ok, just stay safe." They say, "I have to go see family anyways."
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, just a little get together." They say, "Also, there's a Harry Potter marathon going on, you wanna watch?"
"Uh, yeah!" They laugh.
"You're eyes turned yellow and black."
"Hufflepuff pride." I laugh.


Perry appears with Siri.
"Is she ok?" Ari asks
"Yeah she's just asleep." She says, "She'll probably sleep most of the time, she's been tired a lot lately."
"Ok, where's the fire crew?" Eli asks
"We're here." They appear.
"So can we go?" Skye asks
"Wait Ivy-" Ivy appears.
"Ok, let's go." She says
"I'm so excited." Skye flies around.
"Calm down Patches, we need to make it out of the kingdoms first." Ash says
"Right, we could just teleport out of the kingdoms." Andy says. Luna and Ursa appear.
"We found Eden and Ryan." Luna says, "Andrew was right, they're still alive."

We appear outside the walls.
"There's no Phantoms our here, but there's pure darkness." Ari says
"Which is more dangerous than every Phantom we've fought combined." Daisy adds
"Oh fun." Callum says
"So people actually live outside the walls." Eli says, "They're different though, they don't know magic exists.
"They don't know about magic?" Scott says, "Like, no unicorns, phoenixes, flying, anything?"
"Then who saves them? How to the antagonists fight against the protagonist?" Bea asks
"I don't know." Eli says.

We walk around following Skye and her magic compass.
"The sun's going down." Ivory says, "There's a town or something nearby, I bet we could stay there for the night."

We walk into the town and look around.
"This is... different." I say
"One second, I'm getting memories from people." Eli says, "There's a hotel a couple blocks from here."
"What's a hotel?" Parker asks, "It sounds like a weird kind of phone."
"It's a place where you can stay in a room in exchange for money." Eli says.
"Uh, no powers." Ari says, "Lauren can you make everyone asleep or unconscious look like kids."
"Yeah." She creates an illusion.
"And Bolt... uh."
"I can carry her." Honey says, "Pretend you're asleep and Lauren can make you look like a kid."
"Some of us might need to go by different names." Eli says, "Also, we need identification... uh, one second." He waves his hand and small cards appear in our hands.
"Most of us have drivers licenses, Skye and Andy have student IDs." He says, "Whatever those are." We walk down the street to a big building.
"Ok just let me do the talking." We walk in and walk up to the front desk.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The person at the desk asks.
"Hi, we'd like a room for one night." Eli says
"Have you booked a room?" She asks
"Uh.. no." He says, "We were just walking around the town and our children are tried-"
"Sir." He says
"Sorry, Sir, there isn't much I can if you haven't booked a room." She says. Daisy steps forwards.
"Please get us a room, we need it."
"I'll see what I can do." She says
"Couldn't you have just done that earlier?" Bolt whispers
"No using powers unless it's really necessary." She whispers, "I don't want to have to go though this again."
"There's a lot of us and from what I know the rooms are pretty small." Eli says
"Everyone from a kingdom to a room." Ari says, "I don't think the "asleep" people will mind being on the floor."
"That's still eight rooms and the our room would be very crowded." Lauren says
"Some of you could stay in the Phantom room since it's only three conscious people." Ari says
"Here are the keys to your rooms," The lady says, "Enjoy your stay."
"Thanks." We walk to the elevator.
"Uh, small groups at a time." Alex says
"I guess we'll talk more tomorrow." I say.

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