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Bolt appears, everyone summons their weapon.
"Stand down." She says, "I'm your Bolt."
"What's your middle name?" I ask
"Jane." She says
"What was the name of your first pet?" Skye asks
"Dave was a black cat, my brother named him." Ivy appears and hold her sword up to Bolt's throat.
"What's your brother's name?" She asks
"David, the cat was named after him." She says. Ivy pins her against the wall.
"How did David die?" She asks
"He drowned." Bolt says, "He went to the Tsunami Kingdom when I younger to see a friend of his and he drowned. That's why I'm afraid of the water." Ivy stares at her.
"Ivy, it's me." She says, "While my copy had me I overheard some things that could help us figure out who's copying us."
"You're the copy." Ivy says, "Bolt refuses to talk about David and she would never say "stand down." You got her essence down well though." A vine binds the copy to the wall.

"Who are you?" Ivy asks. Bolt two stares blankly at us.
"Who sent you?" Ursa asks
"You're dying." She smiles, "Master made you but she was better, she wasn't deteriorating."
"Who made you?" Lilly asks
"You're the appearance changer." Bolt Two says, "Lillian."
"Don't call me that!"
"She hates it too, I guess you two weren't all that different." She says. Eli punches her.
"You're the girl." She says, "I had a great time killing your girlfriend." He slams her elbow into her stomach.
"Eli, we need information from her." Greta says. We all look at Daisy.
"Fine." She stands in front of her.
"You're the mind-controller." She says, "Do it."
"Tell me what your name is."
"My name is Bethany." She says
"Tell me who made you."
"My parents made me, someone else enhanced me." She says
"What is your real name?"
"Millie Stone." She says
"Who enhanced you?"
"Terri White." Something beeps.
"Millie, that's enough information." She appears in front of Eli and elbows him in the stomach.
"This was fun." She disappears.
"Terri White... I knew them." Reni says. Daisy stumbles back.
"Hey, are you ok?" Scott asks
"No." Daisy says
"What's wrong?" Alex asks
"What's wrong?" She coughs a couple time and holds out her hand, her palm is specked with blood, "I'm using it too much. If I keep this up we won't have it anymore."
"So you're dying?" Ursa asks, "You're not the only one."
"I'm not dying, I'm loosing my voice, permanently." She says sternly
"That's not that bad."
"Not that bad?" Daisy asks, "If I lose my voice then I lose everything I've worked for."
"I'm surprised you've even worked a day in your life, Princess." Ursa says
"Oh, you're one to talk, You're Highness." Daisy says
"I've worked hard to get where I am! I got into a good school, I'm at the top of my class, and I've overcome so many challenges! I have to work for what we want because I wasn't born a royal." She says, "Don't you dare tell me I have worked."
"Or what?" She asks. They would be standing face to face if Ursa didn't tower over Daisy.
"Get out of my face." Daisy says. Ursa starts to step back, she stops and shakes her head.
"Doesn't work on me." She shakes her head.
"Then maybe I wasn't clear enough." Daisy says sternly, "Move!" Ursa steps back, she sticks up her middle finger as Daisy walks away.


"Uhh guys, you might want to see this." Will projects a video up onto a blank wall.
"What is it?" I ask
"Well Liam, Em, and I hacked into some of the news drones in the kingdoms to see what we've missed and..." We watch the video of a drone flying over the kingdoms, everything is completely destroyed.
"What the hell..?" Callum says, "What happened?"
"We don't know yet." Liam says
"We're still digging around news reports, social media, police reports, anything we can to find out what happened." Em says
"There's nothing left..." Shelby says. The drone starts flying towards our kingdom.
"Wait, what's that?" Scott points to something and the drone flies over to it.
"That mark, I've seen it somewhere." Shelby says
"So have I." Scott says
"That was on the boxes that held our charms when all of this started." Lauren says
"Each kingdom had it's own symbol." I say
"Wait, there." Em says, she points to a green mark on another rock.
"That's the symbol of the Flower Kingdom." Liam says. The landscape appears around us.
"Woah, what just happened?" Callum asks
"It's a field projection." Will says, "We can see everything there without actually being here." We look around the landscape for anymore symbols.
"Here's the Tsunami Symbol." Em says.
"Woah." Will backs up. A structure forms in front of him.
"We might need Eli for this." Liam says
"Or Parker. The people in the Moon Kingdom are nerds." Ursa says, "But I know what that is."
"What is it?" Em asks
"There's this legend about the Guardians." She says, "Their spirits go to this temple and summon this powerful being to help them fight a dark god."
"But the being turns on them and destroys the world." She says
"Do you think that's what happened here?" I ask. There's a crash outside.
"Oh that's great." We all teleport outside, our copies stand there waiting for us.
"Let's make this quick." Reni pulls out a knife.
"I wouldn't." Millie says. Bolt appears and Millie holds a knife up to her throat.
"Woah, this went from one to ten real quick." Scott says
"Ivy don't worry about me, just kill them." Bolt says
"One wrong move and your girlfriend dies." Ivy Two says
"What do you want?" Reni asks
"Her." River Two points to Eli.
"E, don't." Bolt says
"Can I please shut her up now?" Mille asks
"Please do." Scott Two says. Millie sends Bolt flying, she hits a rock and falls.
"That's some serious deja vu." Parker says
"What do you want from me?" Eli asks
"We want what you know." Callum Two says
"No." Greta says
"You'll get your girlfriend back after we drain her of her knowledge." Honey Two says
"What happens if I don't go with you?" Eli asks. Reni Two flicks their wrist. Greta winces and clutches her leg.
"A lot more of that." Ari Two says. Eli looks at Greta, then at them.
"Fine." He says, "I'll go with you."

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