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"What's wrong Your Highness?" Daffodil asks, "Aren't you happy the prince is leaving?"
"Of course I am but he'll be back." I say, "I have to marry him..."
"To unite the kingdoms you have to marry someone from the Lightning Kingdom." She says
"But why him?" I say
"He's the only prince in the kingdom." She says
"What do you mean by that Miss?" She asks
"Princess Beth is also royalty and she's not a complete ass." I say
"I don't want to wake up every morning, married to someone I don't like!" I say, "I don't want to have to make stupid excuses to leave places so I can help my kingdom!" I clench me first and the plant in the corner starts growing uncontrollably.
"Miss." She takes my hand and opens it.
"C'mon Daffy, nobody's around, you can call me Ivy." I say
"Daffy means stupid in a silly way." She says
"Even better." I say, "Double meaning."
"O-Ok." I spring up.
"So what're you gonna wear to the gala?" I ask
"I was thinking of wearing my flower dress." She says, "It could use some patching up but it'll work."
"Didn't you wear that last year?" I ask
"Yeah but-"
"That won't work." I rush over to my closet and look around, "You're a little smaller than me... this should fit." I pull out a dress I got a couple years ago that I never wore.
"Mi- Ivy, I can't." She says
"No, I insist." I say, "I'm not gonna wear it any time soon."
"O-Ok." She snaps and the dress appears on her.
"It looks good on you." I say
"What are you gonna wear?" She asks
"I'm thinking about something a little more casual." I pull out a couple suits, "Casual black or casual white?"
"Hm... white." She says, "Actually... black."
"Cool." I pull on my white shirt and put on my blazer leaving the buttons undone.
"How do I look?" I ask
"You look great!" She says. There's a loud crash outside. I teleport over to the window.
"Phantoms." I say. I snap again and my regular outfit appears on me. We both put on our masks and teleport out.

"There you are." Eli says
"We were trying on outfits for the gala." I say
"Ok, just go." I run forward and swing my sword, knocking out groups of Phantoms as I go.
"I!" Daisy shouts. I turn and put up my shield as Phantom beams from all around shoot at me.
"Boots!" I call. My familiar appears on my shoulder.
"What's up?" He asks
"Phantoms." I say. He looks at the rest of the Guardians fighting off Phantoms.
"Generate energy for a blast, got it." He says. I attach my charms to the small collar around his neck.
"Thanks." I step out of the shield, it shrinks to just surround Boots. I run over to the rest of my friends and a dome forms around us.
"Joel." I hand him a charm, "I need five vines, on at each side of the garden and one in the middle." He draws a symbol in front of him, actives the charm, and hits it. Vines burst out of the ground.
"Are those good?" He asks
"Yeah." I say, "Daffy; North, Daisy; South, Eli; East, Joel; West." We all run out of the dome to our vine and stay climbing up it, Boots appears on my shoulder.
"Everyone ready?!" Eli calls. I unclip my charm from Boots's collar and attach it to my ring.
"Now!" I put my hand against the vine which makes it light up. All of the vines glow and emit a blast. I jump from my vine and roll onto the ground.
"Is everyone ok?" Daffodil asks
"Hey! You guys!"
"Shit, get out of here!" We all teleport away.


I hit the ground, pain runs through by back.
"Siri!" Stella runs over to me.
"Are you ok?" I cough a couple time and sit up, a jolt of pain rushes to my wrist. She teleports us back to the base, then teleport away.
"Wait-" My ribs hurt as I sit up. I lay back down breathing heavily.
"L-Lup-pin." I call weakly. My familiar appears.
"Sirius." She says, "What happened?"
"Phantom fight." I say, "I got hit and-"
"Ok, just save your energy." She says, "Where were you hit?"
"My-" I gasp again, everything starts fading.
"No, stay awake." Lupin says
"Stop talking, just stay awake." She lies down next to me and glows. I black out.

"Sirius!" I gasp and start coughing.
"Ok, deep breaths." Stella says, "How do you feel?"
"Awful." I groan and sit up, "How long have I been out?"
"Only an hour or so." Luna says. Parker lays on a bed next to mine.
"What happened at the fight?" I ask
"We got them." Grey says. I look at the scar that starts at my hand and runs up to my shoulder. A tattooed tree grows out of it at the elbow.
"All you have is a couple broken ribs." Luna says, "You'll be fine." I hold out my hand, the lights flicker and a sharp pain runs through my chest.
"Maybe don't use your powers for the time being." I groan.
"The solstice is tomorrow." I say
"And we'll be safe along with all the other Guardians at the hall." Luna says
"I was hit." I say, "Phantom blood is in me now."
"You've already lost a lot of blood." Grey says
"This isn't related to the Phantom blood thing, but the kingdom is gonna notice if the prince and his personal servants are missing." Luna says
"At least people will notice you're missing." I groan, "But yeah, that's a problem." I hop off the bed.
"Siri, you shouldn't be up." Stella says
"I'm fine." Lupin walks over to me and grows so I can lean on her.
"You guys could go back to the palace and tell everyone he's sick." Grey suggests.
"And then they'll call a medic." Luna says
"Then say he's contagious." I say, "The king and queen know you have medical training and they trust you two to watch them. Be ready to make an illusion."
"That's our best option so far." Stella says. The alarm in the corner goes off.
"We'll figure something out, we have to go." Luna says. They take Parker and disappear.
"I should get going too." I climb on Lupin's back, we teleport back to my house.

"Are you ok?" Lupin asks
"I feel like shit." I groan. She whimpers.
"I've had Phantom blood in me before but this is different." I walk over to my bathroom using Lupin at steady myself. I pull out my kit and lower myself on the floor.
"Careful..." Lupin says cautiously.
"I'm fine." I say. I prick my finger and collect the purple blood that drips out of it.
"I'll send this to Ari." I get up, pain shooting through my side.
"Go lay down, I'll get you something to eat." Lupin leads me over to my bed, then walks into the kitchen. I lay down and fall asleep.

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