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"Woah, this is very different." I look up and back into the corner.
"Skye, are you ok?" I shake my head. I've already given up on not crying.
"What's wrong?" I look up again and realize it's Shelby.
"He's here." I whisper.
"Who's here?"
"Quiet, if he hears us were dead." I curl up on the floor and rock back and fourth.
"Fear," She says, "The Eternal Kingdom is known isolating itself to stay out of drama between the other kingdoms, but we don't have any alliances, we had to work together. The Lightning Kingdom is known for being jumpy and get scared easily, you're facing your fears." The walls start closing in.
"No, no, no, no, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!" I say. I start breathing heavily, a high pitched ringing starts playing, and my cheeks heat up.
"Skye, it's ok, none of this is real." She says
"He's coming, I need to be quiet." I put my hand over my mouth.
"Skye it's ok." She walks over to me.
"No, don't come any closer!" I back further into the corner. I put my hand back over my mouth to muffle the sound of me crying.
"Skye, none of this is real." Shelby says, "Take a deep breath and relax." A crowd of people appear almost filling the entire room, all of them talking over each other, laughing, and shouting. I sink fully into the corner and cover my ears. Shelby emerges from the crowd and crouches in front of me, she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"D-don't hurt me, please." I beg
"I'm not going to hurt you." She says calmly, "The only way for this to stop is is you realize this isn't real and calm down." Everyone disappears.
"That's good." She says. Footsteps echo down the hall.
"No, no, nonono, he's coming!" I close my eyes and put my arms over my head.
"Skye, he's not coming." She says
"He is!" I say, "He always comes..." The high pitched ringing intensifies.
"Skye." A different voice says.
"No, please don't hurt me!" I say, "I didn't do anything, I listened to you I-"
"Skye, it's me Andy." I teleport away from him.
"Don't hurt me." I say
"Why isn't she listening to you?" Shelby asks
"Get away from me!"
"Her father was Anthony," The second voice says, "That's why. When we first me I was Anna."
"Anna..." I say quietly, the noise starts fading.
"Skye, I'm here." She says, "It's gonna be alright, just breathe." I inhale deeply, everything focuses.
"Say it, 'I'm  alright.'"
"I'm alright." I say, "I'm not in my bedroom, I'm not in a crowd, there are no loud noises, he is not here, I'm not in a small space. I'm not in the dark. I'm in an open, quiet field." A grassy field forms around us.
"Are you ok?" He asks. I look up at him
"Don't apologize, as long as you calm down I'm fine." He says, "Are you alright now?"
"I will be." Bolt, C, and Honey appear.
"If we have to do that ever again I'm gonna actually die." Bolt says
"Skye, how're you doing?" Honey asks
"Ok." I say
"So now what?" C asks
"We help the next group of Guardians." Shelby says. Six doors appear, each one has a sign over it.
"What do they have to face?" Andy asks
"Whatever the weakness of their kingdom was." Shelby says
"Fire is being overly aggressive, Flower is isolating themselves, Moon is opening up to people, Phantom is being stiff and emotionless, Sun is bottling up emotions, and Tsunami is the constant need to be in charge." Bolt says. I stand in front of the door with a flower above it. Everyone stands in front of a door and they all open.


We walk through the door and everything goes black.

"Well that sucked." River says
"You're one to talk, you didn't have to face your worst fears." C says, "What did you guys even have to do?"
"I had to sit in a court room and watch my father go to jail while I had no say." Rain says
"We had to watch our apartment burn with nothing we can do because we can't use our powers in public." Jesse says
"Do you want me to continue this chain or do you get the point?" River asks
"No, that's fine." C says
"Where's Violet?" Millie asks
"When did you get here?" Eli asks
"Seriously? I've been here long than you've been conscious." She says, "So has anyone seen Vi?"
"We haven't seen her." Scott says
"Donnie!" A wild dog appears, "Have you seen Violet?" The dog whines.
"Uh, why is there a magical dog?" Lauren asks
"This is Donnie, she's part of Violets pack." Millie says, "Do you think you can find her?"
"She says she's already looked." Lizzie says.
"Can you get us out of here?" Millie asks. We all appear outside of the small room.
"Our powers are working again." River says, "Can we get out of here now?"
"No we need to find Vi." Millie says
"Fine, let's go."

"Donnie says she's in there." Lizzie says
"Ok let's go." Millie says
"Wait we should-" Millie bursts through the door.
"Or that." We follow her in.
"It's empty." She says. We look around the dark room.
"What's this?" Shelby asks, she puts her hand on a hanging tarp.
"Wait don't-" Em starts. The tarp falls. Glass blocks off a room with a wolf, it runs around wildly, tearing everything apart.
"One wrong move and you're dead." We all turn around.
"Who are you?" Eli asks
"I'm called Keeper." They say.
"Let it out." Lizzie says
"Yeah, it's an animal, it should be free." Callum says
"It's not just any animal," Keeper says, "It's-" Someone's phone starts ringing.
"Who's phone is that?" They ask
"Sorry, mine." Rain says
"Is it important? We were kinda having a dramatic moment." Keeper asks
"Yeah, sorry." She answers the phone, "Hi Daddy, I can't really talk right now... Yeah I know... I love you... Bye Daddy."
"Daddy?" Ash raises her eyebrow.
"At least I have one." She says
"Ouch." She says
"Can I continue now?" Keeper asks
"Oh yeah, sorry."
"That's not any animal, that's-"
"My sister." Millie says
"Really? I was trying to be all dramatic and you just interrupted me."
"Let her out!" Millie says.
"If you hurt me, everyone else dies," Keeper says, "Even your sister."
"Let her out! She's not an animal!"
"Seeing as she's a wolf right now you can't really say that." They say, "And technically she's-"
"I know what she is!" Millie says, "Let her out!"
"If you can calm her down I'll let you guys go."
"You can't calm her down, you just have to wait."
"Then you're not leaving until I'm done." They say. Millie turns and looks through the glass.
"Fine." She says, "Let me in there."
"Millie, even if she's your sister she's still wild." Lilly says
"I'm not going to let my sister because an experiment if I can do something about it." She says, "Let me in there."
"As you wish." She waves her hand and Millie appears in the other side of the glass.

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