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Daisy yawns.
"Didn't get much sleep last night?" She nods.
"What kept you up?"
"Bad dreams." She says
"You've been having a lot of those lately." She nods.
"If you wanna sleep I can carry you." I say
"You don't have to, I'll be fine." She says
"Are you sure?"
"D, I'm fine."
"We should be-"
"Don't finish that sentence." C says, "Every time you say we're close, something happens to us." The ground shakes.
"There it is." Bolt says
"Now what?" Lilly asks. We wait for a second.
"Nothing?" Skye says.
"Hey Guardians."
"There it is." Ursa says. They gasp.
"Wild Girl!"
"Jason." Violet says, "What do you want?"
"You know what I want." He says
"She's not dangerous." Millie says
"Oh I know that." He says, "She can barely walk, let alone shapeshift." Violet grows and Millie pulls her back.
"There is something I forgot to tell you about while you were my... pet." He says, "You think I would let you out that easily? You Guardians are much less intelligent then I thought.. except Eli, he's ok."
"What did you do?" Millie asks, a knife appears in her hand.
"Careful, you don't want your sister to get hurt." He holds up a small remote. Reni flicks their wrist, a dagger flies past him.
"What is that?" They asks
"Wanna see?" He pushes the button.
"Nothing happened." Stella says
"Just wait." Violet screams and collapses.
"What did you do?!" Millie says
"Mi, I'm fine." Violet says weakly.
"It's just a little something to keep Wild Girl in line." He says. Violet turns into a wolf and growls.
"Careful Wolf Girl, I have you under control." He presses the button again. Violet whimpers and lays down. Millie appears in front of Jason and holds a knife up to his throat.
"Get whatever you have on her off or I kill you." She says
"Millie don't do it." Violet groans.
"The only way to get it off her is to kill her." He says.
"You're crazy if you think I'll kill her." She says
"Millie," Violet says, "I don't want to be under his control forever." Daisy and I stand on either side her.
"Vi I'm not gonna kill you." Millie says
"One more thing you might want to know." Jason says, "If you kill me she dies too."
"Millie please." Violet begs, "Just make it stop."
I teleport behind him and take the remote from him.
"Easy enough." I turn it off.
"Thank you." Violet gasps
"How do you get it off?" I say
"I already told her, you have to kill her." He says
"No, there has to be another way." Ivy says
"You Guardians are too hopeful." He says
"What if I destroy this?" I ask
"Why don't you try and find out?"
"Em can you see what happens?" She nods and creates a dome around her.
"It hurts her." She says
"Just kill me." Violet begs, "I'm just gonna slow you guys down anyways." I wave my hand, vines tie Jason to the ground. I put the remote in my pocket.
"Let's go." Violet gets up and winces.
"Are you ok?" Shelby asks
"You should've killed me." She says, "You should've killed him."
"If he dies so do I." She says, "He's willing to die to kill me."
"Why is he so focused on killing you?" Millie asks
"Because our father killed his." She says


"Uh, why are we going into a cave?" Will asks
"Welcome to the Source." Luna says, "Everyone get your charms." We walk into the cave.
"It's a lot smaller than I thought." Callum says
"Because this is an actual cave." Luna says. She puts her hand on the ground and nine crystals pop up.
"But your charms on your kingdom's crystal." I take off my ring and put it on the glowing light blue crystal. Everyone else puts their charms on the crystals and a white crystal pops us.
"Welcome Guardians of the Kingdoms, Guardian Millie, holder or the key charm, and Guardian Violet, holder of the animal charm." A voice says, "You may now take your charms." We take our charms off the crystals and a rock rolls out of the way. We walk through the gap and look around.
"It's completely destroyed..." Millie says. We walk in further. Trees are ripped out of the ground, boulders are crushed, and lakes and ponds overflow.
"What happened?" Shelby says. I turn to Will.
"This is what I saw." I say, "Destruction."
"As long as the healing spring is ok we'll be fine." Millie says
"Stop." A flaming bird lands in front of us and turns into a human.
"Fifi, good to see you again." Violet says, "What happened?" She looks at Dragon.
"He's not allowed in." She says
"What? Why not?" He asks
"Dragons destroyed the Source." She says, "He's half dragon."
"You think I'm gonna light this place up?" He asks
"My daughter had a 'friend' who was dragon." She says, "They were playing when the other dragons came."
"He killed my daughter." She says
"I'm sorry." He says, "I'll stay here."
"Is the healing spring still intact?" Millie asks
"It is." She says, "I can take you to it." She turns back into a phoenix and flies deeper into the destruction.

"Fifi, your good at fixing things, right?" Millie asks
"I guess you could say I am." She says, "Why?"
"Mimi-" Millie hands her the remote.
"What does it do?" She puts her finger over the button.
"Please don't press it." Violet says, "It hurts."
"Oh well here's the spring." She says. She takes a jar of the water.
"Where are the unconscious ones?" They appear in front of her. She pours the water on them.
"Bolt," She says, "You need a little more, you have to sit under one of the falls. Don't worry, you won't get wet." Bolt appears under one of the falls.
"How long do I have to be here?" She asks, "I kinda have a thing with water."
"You won't drown." Fifi says, "And about this remote, I don't know how to help if I don't know what it does." Violet sighs.
"Ok go." She turns into a wolf. Fifi presses the button. Violet whimpers and howls.
"Pain." She turns off, "Have you tried destroying it?"
"That results in more pain." Millie says
"Is she ok?" Shelby looks at Violet laying on the ground."
"Get her into the spring." The destroyed crystals start flashing red.
"Alert! Alert! There's a dragon in the Source! Everyone hide!" Fifi collects a couple jars of water.
"We need to go." She says

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