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We appear at HQ. Eli turns on three beds.
"Moon, Lightning, Eternal." He points to each bed.
"Callum and Skye, in here." I unlock my office and walk in.
"Welcome C-"
"Office, shut up." I say, "Honey keeps telling me she'll reprogram it to just say C. Sit down." They both sit of the bench.
"I'm still curious as to what C stands for." Skye says
"Not gonna happen." I say, "Skye, lemme see your shoulder." She pulls down her sleeve revealing a big purple mark.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, it's numb." She says. I stick a needle in the back of her wrist and connect it to a tube.
"You have Phantom blood in you." I do the same to Callum, "Before I can do anything else that needs to be filtered out."
"Ok." I turn on my computer and put my hand against the pad.
"Welcome C." I check the stats.
"Neither if you have that much blood in you so this shouldn't take too long." I say, "Stay here, I need to go help Eli." I walk out.
"Hey C." Eli says
"Hey, need any help?" I ask
"Yeah, can you run scans?" He asks. I walk over to the main computer and log in.
"Welcome C-"
"Shut up." I mumble. I punch in my password, "Nice makeup by the way, Ivy do it?"
"Yeah." Ivy says, she looks over my shoulder, "The code for B-"
"The code for Bolt is CWzD2, I know." I type in the rest of the codes, "All set." Eli hits the button and the scans appear on my screen.
"What do ya see?" He asks. I click between photos.
"Siri's ribs aren't doing well, she shouldn't have gone out." I say, "Her blood is fifty-six percent Phantom which isn't good."
"Scott was hit in three places but the Phantom blood isn't taking over as fast as usual." I say, "The worst that should happen is he'll be left with some scaring where he was hit, no guarantee."
"What about Bolt?" I study her scans and sigh.
"You said she slammed into the rock right?"
"Yeah." Ivy says
"Do you know where she hit?" I ask
"Her spine."
"That makes sense." I zoom in on the scan of her back, "There's damage on her spine which leads to nerve damage in her legs."
"Send those to me." She walks over to another computer and signs in.
"Welcome Vivian." The computer says.
"Shut up." She opens the scans and studies them, "That's not good."
"What is it?" Honey looks over my shoulder.
"See these spots over here?" I point to the screen, "Those are detached nerves which means-"
"She has no use of her legs." She says
"Yeah." My watch beeps, "I gotta go, Callum and Skye should be good." I get up and walk back into my office.
"SHUT UP!" I look at Skye and Callum, "Sorry." I sit at my computer.
"I'm gonna scan you two." I write in the codes and the scans pop up on my screen.
"So what's up with Siri, Bolt, and Scott?" Callum asks
"Your defender should be fine." I say, "Siri's ribs aren't doing well, and Bolt..." I lean back in my chair and sigh.
"Is she ok?" Skye asks
"She's alive." I say, "We'll focus on the rest when she wakes up."
"Fine." She says
"You guys should be fine." I say, "The Phantom blood was making it spread." I toss them some bandages.
"C!" Eli calls.
"Coming!" I walk back out.
"Siri's waking up." Stella says


Siri gasps and starts breathing heavily.
"Deep breaths." Stella says, "Calm... good." Her breaths slow down.
"How long was I out?" She asks
"An hour or so." Stella tells her, "How do you feel?"
"Like I was hit with a truck." She groans.
"Phantoms beams can hit someone with the force of a truck so that makes sense." Chase says
"You're not helping." Reni says.
"Try not to do too much." C says, "We need your ribs to heal." She nods and puts her arm across her stomach. Ivy walks in, waves her hand, and walks back out with Bolt floating behind her.
"She's bringing her into her office." I say, "She has to tell her something that would be best to say in private."
"Oh.." Her wolf familiar appears next to her.
"Hey girl." I offer her a treat which she takes graciously.
"So what'd I miss?" I walk over to my computer.
"Not much." Stella says
"What's up with Bolt?" She asks
"Nerve damage." C says, "Paralyzed from the waste down."
"That's hard." She says, "How are we gonna explain that to a whole kingdom?"
"We don't know." Honey says, "For you and Scott it's easier because you guys are, for the lack of a better term, nobodies."
"Wait, C said Scott would be fine." Lauren says
"I said no guarantee." C says
"What's that supposed to mean?" Shelby asks. C opens a file and projects it into the screen.
"Scott was hit in three places." She zooms i'm on three pictures, "His wrist, side, and leg." I look at the files.
"Oh." I point to one of the pictures where he was hit, "The Phantom blood is moving slowly but they hit the places that are the worst to have Phantom blood in."
"And they broke his charm holder." C holds up Scott's bracelet.
"I can easily make a new one." Honey says, "I just need some charms from the Eternal Kingdom." She looks at Lauren.
"Wait, the news." The big screen divides into multiple different screens, each of them from a different kingdom.
"Princess Vivian has been missing for several hours now..."
"Princess Elizabeth..."
"Prince Parker and his two servants..."
"If you know anything, please contact the royal staff immediately."
"All the news reports are the same." Eli says, "Royalty missing, contact someone immediately."
"That's really not good." Rain says, "Isn't Ivy supposed to get married soon?"
"I don't think she would mind missing that." Reni says.
"I'm gonna go talk to her." I walk into Ivy's office, "Your Highness." She looks up at me.
"Hey Auni."
"You usually love it when I call you Your Highness." I say. She smiles weakly.
"I'm just worried." She says, "How am I gonna tell her?"
"Mine if I use your computer?"
"Sure." I sign in and open Bolt's file.
"I've already seen that." She says
"I don't want you to get your hopes up, but there's hope for her to walk again." I say, "It'll never be like it was and she'll need help to walk but with all of our healing powers it's possible."
"Really?" Her eyes light up.
"No promises." I say. I open a program that shows what'll happen, "It'll reattach her nerves but they'll be delicate." Bolt groans and starts to sit up.
"You're awake!" Ivy hugs her.
"Sorry." Ivy backs up, "How do you feel?"
"Ugh, I'm sore." She says, "How long have I been out?"
"A couple hours." I say. Ivy looks at me, then looks back at Bolt.
"Ok, what's wrong?" She asks.
"Y-You- I-" Bolt looks at me.
"Auni, tell me." She says. I look at Ivy who nods.
"You're paralyzed from the waist down." I say
"Oh.." She slides back down and stares at the wall. Ivy and I look at each other.
"I'm gonna go..." I walk out of Ivy's office and into mine.

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