Chapter 1

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My legs were burning. My breath was short.  They were on my tail and they were gaining fast. I stopped abruptly and placed my palms out and faced them. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard. I felt a buzzing feeling engulf me and a burst of energy escaped my palms, it was fire. An explosion of red and orange developed before my eyes. That should hold them off for a while.

I kept running out of the abandoned warehouse where I was living for two days before they came. I had created a little shelter in an old office. I have one back pack where I have only my precious things. A map of Incendium, a knife, a spare pair of clothes and some money. That's all I need to bring with me. I ran up a metal staircase to the third floor. I ran across old cement flooring, passing a few small offices before I reached my own.

I opened the broken door and grabbed my back pack. At the end of the room was a small window, just big enough to fit my petite body through. I opened the window and the old paint job crumbled in my hands. I squeezed my body through with minimal effort. I looked down to the floor, it's about a fifteen metre drop. I took a deep breath in to collect my thoughts and I jumped off the small ledge I was standing on.

I placed my hands by my sides and my palms facing down. It felt like a cool breeze rush through my body to my palms. Wind this time. My drop to the floor was much smoother with the strong wind coming from my hands, dropping me slowly to the paved sidewalk. I landed gently and I closed my palms. Adrenaline was running through my body at top speed.

I looked behind me to the entrance of warehouse 5, making sure they didn't follow me. I turned my head forward and started running to who knows where.

You must be completely confused about the events that happened. My names Krista, last name unknown. I'm a little abnormal compared to your average 16 year old. I have this crazy power, I can control the four elements. Fire, water, air and earth. I can either make them appear from my palms or I can manipulate them. I love this gift but there is always a downside to something so powerful. 'Them' or what they like to call themselves, the Enfirma. The deal with my powers is whoever can capture and kill me, develops my powers.

The Enfirma want my powers badly. I found out my powers at the age of 12. I never knew my parents so I lived in an orphanage. I was always that one hated child because I used to always rebel against the caretakers. So one day, I had enough and I-I, lets leave that story for another time. It's a touchy subject for me. I've been on the run ever since then, trying to protect my own life from the Enfirma. I have never stayed anywhere long enough to make friends or really meet any people. That's also a real downside to these powers.

I ran for about half an hour without stopping or slowing my speed. The bright sun began to set and darkness covered the sky. I needed to find a place to stay, just for tonight and I'll leave tomorrow. I found an old building, most likely from before the war. I found a weak staircase on the side of the building made of thin wood. I began to climb it carefully, hoping it would support my weight, which is not much.

I reached the fourth floor, the roof of the building. I climbed over the small wall around the roof area and began to walk to the other side, seeing if I could get a good view. My long, dark brown hair flew around in the strong wind. My light blue, almost grey eyes stopped on the scenery. It was beautiful but ugly in the same way.

It's the year 2175, five years after the Rebel War. It happened so fast. the government was corrupt  and it was taking all our money. The people rebelled and it became a full blown revolution. The government was chucked out and one man stepped up to look after the people. Ruler 1, as he likes us to call him. I think we're worse off now. The land, before called North and South America have been joined together and are now called Incendium. The cities located inside have became very mechanical and technological.

The thing is, the people are planing to rebel again. The Enfirma now work for Ruler 1, after many years being a self owned organisation. If Ruler 1 gets my powers, he will be able to control the people of Incendium to be his 'loyal subjects'. I just can't let that happen. That's why I run and I'll keep running.

My eyes quickly became drowsy looking at the artificial land. My muscles weakened as I sat myself down against the wall. I yawned as I pulled my knees up against my chest and I rested my head on my legs. I fell into a deep sleep brimming with terror filled nightmares beyond imaginable.


Hey everyone,

Teaser for chapter 2: Krista’s off again, but an obstacle stops her from where she wants to go.

How are you enjoying the story so far? If you like the story, tell others! Spread the word out and plz comment! I'm a first time writer so your reads mean a lot to me. To the right is Alexandra Daddario, the actress who would play Krista.



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