Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes and I was flung across a pile of boxes. I groaned as I clicked my fingers and made a ball of light. I was shocked, no, actually, I was scared. I don't use that word lightly. The truck was tipped upside down so technically, I was standing on the roof. I felt something warm flow down on my face and when I touched it and brought it close to the light, realised, it was blood. I gaping wound was above my left eye. I shuttered as I felt the blood drop onto my clothes. I looked around, where are the others. "Is everyone okay?" I called out. "Help." I heard a muffled voice near some boxes to my right. I ran over and placed my palms out and a soft wind blew away the boxes. I made another light and brought it closer to see who it was.

Zach had his body covering something, someone. I kneeled down quickly and looked at Zach who was staring to the ground. I looked down, it was Emet. My eyes widened, I think-I think he's dead.

I felt his pulse but there was nothing there. I looked to Zach who looked pale. I had an idea.

I rubbed my hands together and placed them on Emet's chest. His body convulsed but I kept going. Sparks of light were shooting from my hand. A minute later, I saw his chest rise. I let go of a breath I never knew I was holding. I heard footsteps behind me and it was Matt who didn't even have a scratch on him. Once I knew Emet was okay, I looked around to the others. "Is anyone else hurt?" Matt shook his head and walked off to the corner of the truck. I turned to Zach who had an unreadable face. But then, I saw red dripping around Zach into a puddle. "Zach, are you okay?" I asked worried. He shook his head ever so gently. I stood up from my crouch and I ran over to Zach. I got him to lay down. "Where is the wound?" He pointed to his side. I lifted his shirt and saw a massive wound, a bullet-wound. One of the shot's from outside must've hit him. "Matt!" I screamed and he walked over. "Wha-" He didn't finished before seeing Zach. "Keep him awake. Don't let him leave." I begged him. Matt sat down near Zach's head and started talking to him, keeping him from closing his eyes.

I've only done this once and I still don't know how I did it. When I was almost dead from a stab wound from the Enfirma, they left me in a dark alley. Some how, I placed my hands on the wound and it...It disappeared.

I placed my hands on Zach's wound and he sucked in a breath. I concentrated, I tried to feel what I did the night I was stabbed. It wasn't working...I couldn't get my powers to work. "Come on." I muttered under my breath. I was giving up hope quickly and my powers were weakening by the second. I shot Matt a look of desperation and he was sharing the same emotion.

One last try...

I placed my blood-stained hands on his wound forcefully and felt my whole body burn up. My hands were killing me. I yelled out in pain as my power sent me flying backwards into a pile of boxes. My hands were shaking as I looked at them once I stood up. I ran back to Zach's side and I looked at the wound. I don't know if I made it better or worse. It looked burnt now and a strange shade of red but the bullet came out. It fell out next to Zach's body. I picked up the bullet, ignored the blood dripping from it and I studied it. On the side of it was a mark that covered the bullet. Two lines going horizontal and the Latin phrase "nihil obstat nobis", meaning "nothing stands in our way". It's the Enfirma's quote.

They shot their own member? I thought that whole shooting thing in the tunnel was just an act. I let the bullet drop as I turned to Zach again. The wound was miraculously gone. My mouth made the shape of an O, I did it, I saved Zach. Matt noticed also so he stood up. "I'm getting Hilary." And he unbolted the door and slipped out carefully.

"Zach." I muttered. "You can't get rid of me that easy." He joked and I chuckled. "Wasn't planning on it." Zach stood up slowly and put his hand to his side. "Thank you so much. You saved me." He said gratefully. "Krista, I love you." I internally groaned, he's still doing this?! I was about to respond when I heard footsteps from outside and Hilary's voice.

She jumped into the truck and came over to us. "Is everyone okay?" She asked with no sympathy in her voice. Emet had woken up and scrambled up. "Krista saved mine and Zach's life." He said in awe. She glanced over to me. "Congratulations but we have to go. That wound over your eye looks bad, put this on it." And she pulled out a cream from a compartment of her belt. I opened the lid and the strong smell of something metallic hit my nostrils. I grimaced as I slavered on the cream over my eye and gave it back to Hilary. "That'll heal in the next hour." She explained. "Okay, we leave now, it's about a two hour walk to Notiet. Someone attacked the truck but now it's wrecked. Our driver ran for it when he heard shots. Ran straight to the attackers, he was in it all along. That little ba-" Matt cut her off. "Who was it?" "The Enfirma." I answered.

Hilary shot me a questioning look. "I've been running away from them for five years, I know how they act." Hilary nodded. "Well, let's get moving."

And we were off.


Teaser for chapter 24: A whole lot of walking for the crew. You also find out something about Krista that isn’t so obvious. It might not sound big but it’s something that reveals the true her!

Thx for reading! 

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