Chapter 21

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Krista P.O.V.

Love, ha. When did I ever think I had a chance at it?

I ran down the tunnel with tears threatening to fall down. I hate it here! Why did I ever decide to come to Verto? Why did I ever let Abby take me down here? I much prefer my life running away from the Enfirma. My life in the past three months has turned into a sappy love story. I knew it wouldn't last, so why did I even attempt a relationship? In my own opinion, it was rushed. I never knew the real Zach. But whatever, I won't be one of his tragic heart-broken girls. I will be the strong girl that I've always been, the girl who needs no man. I stopped running and I took a deep breath in. The tears didn't fall.

I'll stay clear of Zach. That's a promise.

I walked to the dining hall as I fixed my tank top and shorts. Last training session today. I opened the door and I saw Matt giving me dirty looks. I rolled my eyes as I flipped him off. I heard a fork clatter to the ground. Hilary had her mouth opened in the shape of a O. A smile soon crept onto her face and she slow clapped. "Little bro finally doesn't get what he wants." I laughed at that as Matt's head snapped back to face Hilary. She stuck her tongue out immaturely. "That's enough you two." John said without looking up from his book.

I grabbed a piece of bread and took a bite out of it as I isolated myself from the others. The door opened and Zach walked in with his head hung low. I saw that his eyes were red and puffy. I felt sorry for him but I shook that thought out of my head, he was the one who cheated on me, with my best friend.

The bell rang and we all stood up. I scoffed the bread down as we started walking to the training room. Zach stayed behind everyone, walking slowly. We walked into the room and Emet was sitting down on a chair with a computer in his hands. "It is done! It took me all night but I did it!" Emet announced excited as we walked over to us. "What is it Emet?" Hilary sighed. "I have created an invention for the mission. It disables electrical currents!" I held in a giggle, only Emet would get excited over technology.

"That's nice Emet but we need to train, we have mission details to discuss." Hilary declared. We sat down in a circle on the mat, I made sure I was away from Zach and Matt. We talked about the plans for the mission but I zoned out for most of the time.

"Krista." I heard after a few hours, I must've dosed off. "Four." I answered and Emet laughed but Hilary glared at me. "Pay attention next time." Yeah right, if there is a next time. After this mission, I'm never coming back here. "I was telling you that your powers will come in very handy so you will be leading." I stared at Hilary like she had six eyes. "I don't know how to lead, get someone else." Hilary shook her head. "None of us knows what's in that city. We have had maps sent to us but they are all very different to each other. No two maps are same and they don't even look similar at all. You have the most street skills so you'll be leading once we get to Notiet, the city."

We stood up but my legs had fallen asleep so I tripped. I was about to hit the floor thanks to my slow reflexes today but I didn't. I felt an arm around my stomach holding me up. The person pushed me back up so I could stand. I looked into Zach's eyes. "Thanks." I said coldly as I walked away and over to where Hilary was standing. She told us to do a few more hours of training and without hesitating, I hopped into a cubical and got to work.

A few hours later, the simulator shut down and I walked out. Everyone was standing on the mat. Hilary gestured for me to come as she started talking. "Rest up now, it'll be dinner in a few minutes. Last good meal in who knows how long. We will only get rations on the mission. After, go straight to bed. Matt or I will come and come half an hour before midnight to give you your uniform. Then at midnight, a faint bell will be rung that won't wake up everyone else. That'll signal you to all come to room 1." Hilary dismissed us and we walked to the dining hall.

Everyone ate like pigs, like the pigs that wallow in mud and eat slop. The imaginary pigs than only live in story-books. Yep, those pigs. I even finished my food for once. We then returned to our quarters and I waited on Becky's bed for her to walk in. She spotted me straight away and smiled shyly. She sat down next to me. "Hey." She murmured. "What happened this morning?" I asked calmly. "Your boyfriend kissed me. I was talking to him asking how he was and he grabbed me and kissed me!" I nodded. "I believe you. I don't get how I ever believed Zach, my EX-boyfriend, changed..." My voice trailed off. Becky hugged me. I hugged her back as I yawned. "This'll be the last time I get to talk to you, stay safe Beck." She looked disappointed and she hugged me tighter. "You should be the one to have to stay safe Kris." I sighed as I let go of her. "Thanks for being a great friend." "You too."

I climbed up onto my bed and immediately, I fell asleep.


I felt someone shaking my foot. "Wake up hideous." I heard a male voice, I straight away recognised it as Matt. "Takes one to know one." I retorted. I sat up in bed as I clicked my fingers to get light. I climbed down and stared up at Zach's bed. "Wake him up and leave." I snarled. Matt pushed the uniform into my hands as he yanked Zach's leg to wake him up.

I walked into the bathroom and got into the Subsitio uniform and I put the black strip over my eyes with the paint. I fixed my hair into a high ponytail and walked out of the bathroom. Zach walked in after me, with his shirt off. I had to keep my eyes ahead so I wouldn't look down. I sat on my bed and waited for the bell to ring. Zach walked out of the bathroom and leaned on the bed-frame.

A quiet bell rang and my heart started beating...


Teaser for chapter 22: The mission officially starts! There is a little one-on-one time with Krista and Zach and something fatal happens! Does anyone die?

Okay guys, relationship break for a bit. Next chapter, the mission starts ;)


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