1. Today's Video is Sponsored

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Shane and Ryland were sat lounging on the couch in their new home. The dogs were sleeping, Cheeto was scratching his post, and they had a Rosana Pansino video playing in the background as they did work on their respective laptops. Overall it was a chill night with just the two of them.

Usually, they'd have Andrew over editing with them, but Shane's channel had been in a sort of rut lately. They were having a difficult time coming up with a new video idea and he was trying to find inspiration on their next series.

And as if fate was bestowing him, Shane received an unexpected email. He gasped out loud and passed his laptop to his boyfriend, who gasped in response as well.

Hi Shane!

First of all, the team here at Tinder would like to thank you for your unwavering support in your videos. We're extremely happy that you found love with Ryland (even though it was on our competitor's app...) Your shout outs and use of our app in previous videos has not gone unnoticed though and we have seen a spike in our app's usage after each of  your videos.

With that being said, because of your continuous support we would like return the favor and sponsor a video series for you that involves the use of our app in relation to a member of your squad. Our marketing team would love to speak with you if you have more questions and for us to draft a contract. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Elie Seidman, CEO

"No fucking way..." Ryland said aloud, covering his mouth in awe.

"Right?" Shane asked, hitting the reply button. "What should I say?"

"Say YES!" Ryland exclaimed. "I have so many ideas. This is a great opportunity for your next series, Shane!"

Shane didn't even think twice before drafting his response.

Hi Elie,

Thank you for reaching out. Ryland and I have some ideas for a series and would love to work with you guys. Let us know when your marketing team is available to meet.

We look forward to working with you and your team.


The next day they received a response to meet that day for lunch at Tinder HQ in West Hollywood. Shane always had a certain level of excitement and anticipation for each new series he did, but there was something different about this one... He just knew that this would transcend more than YouTube.


Hello everyone! Thank you for checking out this story :) 

I actually have most of this story written already so updates should be coming pretty frequently/quickly. That being said, even though mostly everything is written already I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions so feel free to comment and/or message me! I'm always looking to improve!

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