10. On My Way

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Today was the day. "Hey, man, breathe," Garrett said as he rolled a lint roller across Andrew's shoulders. They had dressed Andrew in something casual: just a plain black tee and light wash pair of jean shorts.

"Yeah, Andrew, you're just about to meet the most beautiful girl you'll ever go on a date with. Don't die," Morgan said as she handled the camera. They all let out a laugh.

"What if this doesn't work out?" Andrew asked worriedly. Oh, how he wanted this to work out so badly. On paper, Lexie was what he was looking for in a partner, but he knew he shouldn't get his hopes up too high considering he hadn't even met her yet. What if she smelled bad? Or was freakishly taller than him?

"Then it wasn't meant to be, and you try again with someone else," Garrett replied as he finished taking the lint off of Andrew's shirt.

Ryland placed a hand over his heart, "We love a good bro moment."

Shane laughed and cupped his mouth, "Gayyyyy!"

Everyone shared a laugh and went outside towards the garage area. "Ok so here's the plan!" Shane started. "This is the start of the third part of the series. Big day ahead for all of us.. Mostly Andrew.. But us too! We're going to take two cars. All of the equipment is in the G, and the four of us will ride there with Ryland driving. Andrew's gonna take his car and have Lexie with him. We have a little vlog camera set up in Andrew's car so we'll still be with them without actually anyone else being in the car. I don't know; we've thought this through, okay?"


Shane, Ryland, Garrett, and Morgan piled into the G Wagon and continued filming. Shane panned the camera to himself selfie-style. "So we've decided to give Andrew some privacy. I feel like part of our mistakes in our blind date for him was that, while we were funny, we were also annoying and over bearing."

"Yeah and like last time was more joke-y," Ryland cut in. "This is like an actual series. Serious-ish stuff so we are serious about making this a success. Andrew is excited about this girl, and we are too, so we will do what we can to help this along."

They all nodded, then Garrett squealed and pointed to Andrew's car. "Look guys!" Shane panned the camera to Andrew and his car and zoomed in. "He's talking to the camera! How cute!!!"


"Ok I'm not very good at this..." Andrew started as he pressed the record button on the camera set up on his dashboard. "Welp, welcome to my car, guys. I don't think anyone's actually ever seen this car. Okay enough stalling. We're gonna pick up Lexie now. I'm really nervous.. if you couldn't tell." He made his thinking face. "Uhh.. yeah. Okay hold on," Andrew said, fishing his phone out of his pocket and calling his date and putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" the girl's voice came from the other side.

"Hi," Andrew replied shyly, his lips curving into a smile.

She giggled, "hi."

"So. Um I'm gonna head there to get you now. Should be.. uhh.. twenty-five minutes depending on the traffic."

"Ok, sounds good. I'll be here," she responded; he could hear the smile in her voice.

"You ready, Lexie?"

"Let's go, Siwicki."

it's a match | andrew siwickiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ