30. Ex's & Oh's

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Lexie felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest and she immediately turned in the other direction to make her way back to her group. She didn't get very far until a strong hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her backwards.

She knew.

She shut her eyes together and turned around slowly. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and was greeted by Grayson Dolan. Her ex-boyfriend.

Lexie and Grayson had met in college and dated for a good two years before things went south. They dated before "The Dolan Twins" were the fantasies of millions of tween girls on YouTube. Fans didn't know who she was – not many people outside of their college class knew they were ever a thing. They both made sure their social medias were clear of each other when the twins started to get big.

Grayson was the love of her life. She thought they were going to get married and have kids together one day... buy a house on the East Coast... retire, grow old together... He was her first love and he was her everything. Until he wasn't.

When Grayson broke up with her, she didn't know how she would move on. She didn't think it was possible to love anyone like that ever again. They always said the first one was the hardest. That it would take a lot of time to move on and get over. But that one day he wouldn't pop into her head every day and thinking of old memories wouldn't cause her heart to ache anymore.

And someway, somehow... someone else came into her life. Someone that made her forget. Someone that made her realize there was more than Grayson. Someone she was absolutely head over heels... in love with... Lexie gulped. Images and memories of her sweet red head filled her brain and it caused her heart to swell.

His eyes and his hair and the stubble on his cheeks... his laugh and dumb jokes and odd fascination with stuffed animals... She wanted nothing more than to just get away from Grayson and march over to Andrew at the booth and tell him that she was absolutely in love with him.

"Lexayyy! How long has it been?" She was snapped out of her thoughts by the man in front of her. She stared up emptily at his green-rimmed brown orbs that she used to get lost in.

"Grayson," she greeted curtly. "It's been a long time." She hadn't seen him since graduation – where they had already been broken up and he completely ignored her the whole night.

"Aw, baby, don't be like that. I missed you," Grayson egged, wrapping an arm around the girl. "God, you look sexy as fuck tonight. Red always was your color."

From the corner of her eyes she saw Ethan and Emma watching them. Probably making sure no one stepped out of line. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he held her tight. Now that he was so much closer, she could smell the Hennessy on his breath. "Gray, you're drunk," she stated.

"So are you. I smell the tequila on you, babe," Grayson countered.

He was half right. She was drunk, but this whole encounter was enough to completely sober her up. "Gray, you need to let go. I have to go back to my friends."

"Orrrrr," he slurred. "You can stay with me and we can take this back to my place and I can do that thing you like-"

"Hey," Grayson was interrupted by a voice behind them. He turned both him and Lexie around and was greeted by Andrew, who was a few inches taller than him. "Do we have a problem here?"

"Andy!" Lexie gasped, a wave of relief washing over her face. Andrew's heart broke to think that he had just been sitting at the booth waiting for her to get back when she was here being bothered by one of the Dolan twins (he wasn't sure which one of them this was honestly).

it's a match | andrew siwickiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora