32. Trouble in Paradise

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The next morning, Lexie woke up with Andrew's face nuzzled into her neck. She examined the side of his face with the black eye and frowned. Her poor baby...

The events of last night replayed in her mind. God, they caused such a scene. Grabbing her phone from her night stand, she made sure not to wake Andrew.


Hi James.

I am so so so sorry about last night... I don't even know how to make it up to you




Shit happens

I didn't know you and Gray dated... If I'd known...


We're adults, James

Shit like this isn't supposed to happen

Doesn't matter if we dated or not


I still need to talk to him

Are you and Andrew okay?



We're good now

We made up last night



Glad to hear

We should hang soon

Sorry Gray is such a dick. Can't believe you thought he deserved your ass

"Lexwhaaaareyoudoin..." Lexie's attention on her phone was jerked when Andrew mumbled into her collarbone.

"I'm sorry- What?" she laughed and put her phone aside. She nuzzled her face into his hair and heard him groan as he tried to get up.

"Morning," he greeted, his eyes slowly opening up.

"Morning," she greeted back, running a hand through his hair.

"I was asking what you were doing because the light was in my face," he repeated more coherently.

"Oh," she laughed. "I was DMing James and apologized for your behavior last night."

Andrew groaned and touched his hand to his face, mentally reminding himself to apologize to James himself as well. "I thought that was a nightmare."

"Me too."

"You forgave me last night," he reminded her. "Remember when I..." he started to motion his hand in a circle with a finger going through it.

Lexie groaned and turned red, "Yes, yes, I remember."

"I love you," he reminded her, switching places so that he was cradling her in his arms.

She laid her head on his bare chest and smiled. "I love you too."


It was a Saturday so Lexie didn't have work and since the third part of the video just uploaded, Andrew was free for a bit until he received further instructions from Shane. The two spent most of the day just lounging around and watching TV.

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